Today should of been the day:(


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
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Hey girlies.

So today should of been the day i had my last baby. I was due today.. Sucks.. Im sitting here inbetween my calls for work (Im a home carer) and i just feel like poop. :shock:

What should of been the best day of my life, is empty, cold and even though the sun is shining, ive closed all the curtains and im laying on the sofa with my laptop, blankie and a cup of tea.

This mc was horrendous compared to my first, i was 11 weeks and 2 days gone. Suffered with the most awful contractions and labour pains, i mean.. Would of been worth it if a baby had been at the end of it. My partner back then was violent and although he wasnt the reason i lost the baby i still do blame him because of the undeniable stress he put on me and the upset he caused me. Then when i mc, i was on my own and i had to crawl about the house because i couldnt find the phone to ring anyone, my partner was at work!!! He did come home early and i was in the middle of labour pains and he hit me. I know.. So i left that day and went back to my old flat (i had kept it as back up! And thank GOD i had done) Where i continued through the mc on my own, on a mattress with just a tv in the room. It was such a bad time. I was in and out of a and e because i was bleeding to heavily and realised the sac was coming out in pieces. Which is why the whole process took so long. the paremedics were amazing that night and the next couple of times.
My friend would cook me meals and bring them down to me as i couldnt move, slowly as the pains subsided but were still there. I started to just be able to move about and go to the shops ever so slowly.
I bled for four weeks in total and got my period around 6 weeks later.
When the mc was confirmed, i saw the baby at the bottum of my womb, was spose to be 11 weeks and 2 days but baby only measured 8 weeks. and it was strange in a way because for a couple of weeks before i mc i didnt feel pregnant. It was like my body told me before i already knew.

I can still picture the baby laying there. Damn.. i saw a little nose and tiny hands. But no heartbeat.

Anyway im rambling now and going from one thing to another. Will be lighting a candle tonight and doing my remembrance. I guess sometimes we make them to perfect and God decides to take them back...

Heres a pic of my little bean at 7 weeks and 2 days, i had a private scan done and paid for as i had already had a mc, at this scan everything was fine, i saw baby, heart and even saw heart beating. I guess the baby stopped growing a week later.

R.I.P My angel, see you again one day - itll just be longer then we hoped

P.S im not with my ex partner anymore, the man in my pic is my wonderful life saving fiancee :)


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Sorry for your loss! The upset never leaves you! ❤️
So sad, im sorry for your loss. Hopefully life has lots of wonderful times in store for you now xxx
My due date would have been 30th September which is also my birthday, I've booked to go on holiday because I can't stay at home looking at the room that would have been baby's nursery, these little ones leave imprints on your heart that won't ever go away no matter how long you had them for
Aww, thank you girls.. Such nice words. Feel better today, still hanging about abit but I'm hoping as I'm so busy with work today it'll kind of fly by the day.. But we will see! Ya never know with grief. Comes and bites you in the butt no matter what. Going on holiday is a lovely idea Hun! Xx
Oh Tigeress, your story made me cry.
So happy you have a good man in your life now.
Thank you, it just goes to show how different my life is now I have that vermin out of my life. He tried getting me back blah blah blah and on the day of the anniversary when baby was spose to be born he actually messaged me!! I thought.. You got some nerve! I was polite, told him the answers he wanted to know and stopped talking to him. He showed up at our home once as well!! The nerve. But he seems to of gone now.. Thank god. I'm so glad James come into my life because I was still going through the mc and was on the verge of loosin my sanity. And I remember one of the nights I was crying and I really was contemplating suicide and I said to god "if you got something for me that's worth actually sticking around for then you better bring it because I've had enough of this bad luck and awful life..." And there he was.. James.. Met him whilst walking to the shop he helped me home, he aparantly knew of me already and apologised for my loss. He hasn't left my side since and proposed four months later and we are now trying for our first (James doesn't have other kids either). So I call him my knight in shining armour. (Which I know he secretly loves!) he just recently bought me my little car as a surprise to, I've got my test next Monday so I've been so lucky in this sense xx
Wow what an amazing story!!!!
James sounds perfect
Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust �� xx

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