Today I have mostly been eating....


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Crap!!! :shock:
I can't stop myself! I have had two packets of salt and vinegar crisps (really salty ones yum yum) AND three Mr Kipling Viennese Whirls. Good job there's none left or I'd scoff even more.
I'm gonna be the size of a house before long!! :roll:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
snap overthemoon
croissants, bisuits and cakes have just about done it today
but making a big pasta bake for tea, so hoping that will make up for it!!!!
am going to have to go on such a big diet in august!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
i wouldnt say im really eating much junk food but im eating really anything i can find, so far today iv had 3 slices of toast for brekkie then a weetabix, had some of the kids lunch followed by a large chicken roll and a cornish pasty, now got a huge dinner with load of ice cream for after and that is only the main meals not to mention the in between snacks :rotfl: :rotfl:

Gonna explode soon, whoops have to stop thinking about food now getting hungry again :rotfl: :rotfl:

Im the same when im hungry ive only been wanting sweets and cant seem to stomach any other smells, hoep that changes soon, but ive been forcing myself to eat some fruits and veggies too. And it dont help i have my bf living with me who is newly pregnant and all she eats is junk lol
Mr Kipling Vienesse Whirls - I LOVE them!!!! Gonna have one right now I think :cheer:
I have had two packets of salt and vinegar crisps

this flavour crisps is the one everyone raves about on here . I went through a phase of eating them but that passed wonder why :think:
im the same.

been crving crisps and choccies.

brought myself some belgian choccies yesterday. there is one left :eek:
x-kirsty-x said:
Mr Kipling Vienesse Whirls - I LOVE them!!!! Gonna have one right now I think :cheer:

I LOVED these in early pregnancy, could eat a whole pack on one go!! :oops: Still like one now and again...
I thought Sayers used to make them with one end dipped in choc, but not een able to find them in any Sayers stores :think: Did I dream them??
Can't find Viennese Whirls ANYWHERE now - typical - I was just starting to enjoy my one and only craving! So instead I have switched to Rafaello's - you know the white choc version of Ferrero Rocher. Utterly divine!!!!! :angel:
I cannot face chocolate. My husband bought me a lovely advent calender with a little drawer for each day with chocolate truffles in them and I cannot face eating them!!

I am finding ice cream is my thing so far! could not eat my dinner on Saturday night - but polished off a big bowl of ice cream and then a big bowl of popcorn :D
I've gone off chocolate as well, I also can't stomach meat anymore. So I am mainly eating salad and bread! Oh and baked beans.

Glad I am not the only person who has gone off chocolate!

To top it off my best friend sent us a hamper in the post yesterday... I was all excited until I got the cover off and the smell hit me - it was a chocoholics hamper - chocolate cake, chocolate biscuits, belgian chocolates..... basically every type of chocolate you can think of. Just typing this is making me feel queasy!

I have not got the heart to tell her! she doesn't know I am pregnant yet anyway....

I cannot stand the smell of meat cooking. If I stay in the lounge with the door shut and I do not smell it until it is on my plate I find it is OK!!

(such a princess, lucky my husband loves me!! :D )
so I am not the only one that can't stand the smell of meat cooking then :eek: but I have no problem of eat it though. Now everytime I cook meat, I just put them in the fryng pan put the lid on then quickly run out of the kitchen, sometime run straight into the bathroom to :puke: . My OH think I am mad.
so I am not the only one that can't stand the smell of meat cooking then :eek: but I have no problem of eat it though. Now everytime I cook meat, I just put them in the fryng pan put the lid on then quickly run out of the kitchen, sometime run straight into the bathroom to :puke: . My OH think I am mad.
topbird said:
it was a chocoholics hamper - chocolate cake, chocolate biscuits, belgian chocolates..... basically every type of chocolate you can think of. Just typing this is making me feel queasy!

if it helps you out - i can take this off your hands for you. obviously i wouldn't enjoy it at all :fib: would just be doing it to be helpful

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
you would need to fight my husband for it..... :rotfl:

Bless him - got home yesterday and he gave me my Chrsitmas card with a p.s. check your advent calander again....

he had replaced the chocolates in it for toffees so I can eat them. Said it was breaking his heart seeing my little face not being able to enjoy my advent calander (yes - I am 30 going on 3 - i still get very excited about Christmas)
Aaahhh, very romantic!! My hubby would have probably just eaten the chocs and left nothin. :x

I've just eaten a piece of really scrummy chocolate role!!!!!!!!mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! :)

However, after soggy fish and chips in the restaurant at work I've got violent indigestion!!!!!!!!!!!! :puke:

However, I don't have to use the :puke: :puke: smiley faces at all cause I haven't got any morning sickness at all!! :cheer:


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