Today has been hard


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
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Been feeling really down the past few days its coming up to my due date and all the girls in my work who got pregnant at the same time (there are 3) are finishing up for maternity. You try and stay positive but inside my heart is breaking seeing all their baby gifts and the baby chat.

I sound so selfish I wouldn't take it away from them just really wish I was joining them becoming a mummy in a few weeks time. :(

I'm so sorry you are feeling like this x
Sorry to hear its been a bad day, totally understand. On the plus side when you do get pg you'll hopefully have all the presents and attention to yourself. Hang in there hun, it'll happen for you.
Pixi - I'm in the same boat as you so can totally sympathise. I lost mine in November at 11 and a half weeks and my due date was May 24th. Even on here I'm seeing the ladies who I got my BFP with and from Tri-1 having their babies or just about to. I'm really happy for them but my heart aches with sadness and disappointment that I'm not one of them, furthermore, we have been trying ever since and... Nothing.
I try to tell myself it would haver have gone further than 11 weeks as something was clearly wrong, and I make peace with it in that way but the unfairness of it all is what gets me the most.
I hope you're ok, big hugs from someone who completely understands xx
You don't sound selfish hon, I have 2 good friends that are pregnant and can't bear to be near them atm!! Not a very good friend I know x
I understand to hun my due date last year was awful it was on my mums birthday an my sis had her baby around the same time. Its shit i cryed so much it hurt and still do sometimes now, i havent come upto my due date for my last mc but its gunna be hard. Im sorry it is horrid maybe try an make sure ur doing something nice with ur oh or family on that day xxxxx
Also i found it very difficult to even be around my little niece at first it took me ages to visit her so you are not selfish its tough bein around pregnant woman and babys x
Thanks ladies I know a lot of us are in the same boat and have good days and bad. It's good to come on here and speak about this with others that understand :)

Have to join you in feeling the same today. A friends 2nd arrived a week early by csection, knew she was due next week but was hoping we were on holiday when it happened. I'm pleased for them but all I could think was, when will that be us? Bummmmm.
I know what you mean kaffee, hope you're ok xx
Pixi, how are you doing today? Xx
Hi Pixi

It's perfectly natural for you to feel like that, sorry to hear you're having such a hard time (and 3 people - that's tough as it's hard to avoid)

Could you see if you could get people at work to be a bit more sensitive about discussing baby stuff in front of you, as it's obviously upsetting you? My manager had a quiet word with some of my workmates & they really reigned things in, which was a relief.

Oh pixi, due dates are never easy to deal with , but if it helps i felt some closure to a point once it had come and gone. Perhaps do something together with your husband on the day , after my 12 week loss, i didnt feel ready to until my due date in 2010, but we went to a garden centre and brought a rose, the only one that was flowering on sept 28th actually , a yellow rose called sweet rememberance, i didnt plant it till a few weeks later, bit it sits in my garden with forget me nots undereath, its actially lovely to visit , and something happened to it then i can just buy another as its a named one, but its fine

It flowers on my loss date too xx

Keep busy on the date, thinking of you xx jen

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