

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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can I give my 6 month old a finger of toast? I am just worried he will choke on it. Can I put sunflower spread on it as that is all we have? Thanks x
They can have more or less anything at 6 months hun. Just keep a close eye at first until they get used to it :hug: .

Sunflower spread is fine. Baillie loves toast and cheese!

Kim x x x x
At 6 months toast is fine!! it will be nice and soggy anyway from the butter youl put on it! :D
Lightly toast it and cut the crusts off and it will be softer :)
Toast is fine :)

I only use unsalted butter on toast and in cooking for LO though due to all the added crap in the butter like spreads. The one we use includes things like

Palm oil
Whey powder
Salt (1.5%)
Sodium Alginate
Lactic acid
Vitamin A & D

to list just few things (some of which may be natural things but the fancy names bother me :?
Sherlock said:
Toast is fine :)

I only use unsalted butter on toast and in cooking for LO though due to all the added crap in the butter like spreads. The one we use includes things like

Palm oil
Whey powder
Salt (1.5%)
Sodium Alginate
Lactic acid
Vitamin A & D

to list just few things (some of which may be natural things but the fancy names bother me :?

Stop, you are making me hungry :puke:

thanx for the replies - could i give him a rusk to chew on? x
Lou said:
Sherlock said:
Toast is fine :)

I only use unsalted butter on toast and in cooking for LO though due to all the added crap in the butter like spreads. The one we use includes things like

Palm oil
Whey powder
Salt (1.5%)
Sodium Alginate
Lactic acid
Vitamin A & D

to list just few things (some of which may be natural things but the fancy names bother me :?

Stop, you are making me hungry :puke:


And I had been looking forward to toast this morning :roll: :lol: The main ingredient was believe it or not, water :think: :roll:
lisa you could give him a rusk to chew on but be aware of their sugar content - fruit & veg are better IMO ;)
I will stay away from Rusks then.

So could I give him a bit of banana to eat then? Sorry to sound stupid.
I will stay away from Rusks then.

So could I give him a bit of banana to eat then? Sorry to sound stupid.

What weaning path are you following with LO? I don't want to advise you to do something if you have given purees the last couple of months or so and and are moving on to finger foods now is all.

If you are starting weaning now and following BLW or a mix of BLW and purees then it depends. I'd be inclined to start with sweet veggies like roasted sweet potato and butternut squash. I did give LO banana in the early days but it was very slippy and not ideal for him. We found veggies better in the first few weeks. Also I didn't want to give him sweet foods as a first taste and preferred to see if he liked veggies and then we would have natural yogurt for pudding and then fruit after once he was eating more.

Banana should be fine if he's not had purees only till now. If he has been on purees I'd be inclined to look at other finger foods and more lumpy meals for the time being. If you plan to mash it up and feed from a spoon it will also be ok.

It really depends on how you are weaning, how well your LO is able to sit up and how confident you are to give him finger foods etc. I was nervous in the beginning but knew what to do in case of choking etc. We have had 2 episodes of choking since starting BLW, both we handled and LO was fine. The second time he was eating cauliflower cheese and threw the whole lot up after the offending bit of cauli popped out :roll:
I'm with Sherlock on the sunflower spread or margarine. They are an exciting assortment of chemicals and I wouldn't give them to LO. Toast is great to chew on :) DD had some tonight with home made soup on it (canned soup is full of salt and other bad stuff).

Farley's rusks have and incredible amount of sugar in them - even the reduced sugar ones. Traditionally rusks are hard dry bread that has been baked twice, not the sugary stuff made by Heinz. If you want to buy something like that, we sometimes give DD Bickiepegs. Pretty much none of it is eaten but it's great to chew on.

here's some you can make at home
I don't know what the official advice is about sunflower spread, but sunflower seeds are a pretty common allergy, so I would be hesitant on that basis.
Isaac has always loved marmite on toast :)

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