To weight watchers or not to weight watchers??

We r a right little ww gang thread!! May start a ww journal??

Babydust to all
Hey, Im a huge advocate of WW. I lost 8 stone in a year and a half with the plan and have now managed to maintain my weight for over a year and a half. I think the plan is brilliant and as long as your honest and point everything then you will loose weight. You dont deny yourself anything and I now find the automatic changes to just be a healthy lifestyle choice for me. I still have my chocolate and crisps fix almost every day.
Wow Laura 8stone hun I am aiming to lose 10 in total I know I have a long battle ahead but I'm in it for the longhaul well done for maintaining after losing so much I'd love to see your before and after pics xxb
Thanks Daisy! You can do it no problem it may sound daunting now but if someone had told me that I had to loose 8 stone when I was at my heaviest then I would never have believed them. If you need any advice or support or do really fancy seeing my befoee and after pm and i can send you my email! Prefer to not have my photo on the forum!

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