to wait or not to wait.......


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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Hi ladies,

Hope you are all doing OK.

So I was advised by the hospital to wait till after my first period before ttc again. (Had an erpc last tuesday).

Just wondered how many of you ladies are waiting or did wait a full cycle before ttc. Or did you just carry on ttc as soon as you stopped bleeding / felt ready?

I know the advice given by the professionals should be followed. I know this in my head....but sometimes I feel like I will just carry on doing my thing and if it happens this cycle then so be it.

Obviously conceiving this cycle could be very unlikely anyway. It took 5 months for us to get our bfp so part of me doesn't want to waste any more time as it is!

So just wondered for those of you who are in a similar situation will you wait or just crack on?

Hi Lou,

I'm not waiting, will be starting ttc again as soon as I can which should be 2 weeks from now all being well (medical management booked for tomorrow).

I'm not worried about it causing any problems, just not sure if my body will even ovulate right away, if it's meant to be it will be.

It sounds like you are swayed on doing the same? xx
I didn't wait...we started dtd as soon as my bleeding stopped. I suffer from really long cycles...60+ days so I wasn't going to wait a whole cycle. Doctor told me the reason they ask you to wait is just so you know where you are in your cycle. I explained I used opks and he was fine with me starting starting straight away although would not start me back on my clomid for two months x
The only reason they say wait is because of dating a new pregnancy as it might be a longer cycle. If your ready then go for it as your more fertile after a loss. Good luck xxx
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Hope tomorrow goes as well as can be hun. You will be in my thoughts.

I use opks too jomc so I would be able to have a good guess at conception date and due date etc.

Tbh I think I am swayed towards just going for it and seeing what happens. I'm slightly nervous about if it happens again tho as it's close to Christmas and I don't want to ruin the festive season as I know I will be heartbroken if it happens again.

I like to be in control of things and this is out of my hands. It's rather frustrating! X
I will be trying again as soon as oh is ready. I hope it's not long away!
We planned to try right away but luckily my cycle showed up so has been less confusing.

Go at your own pace.

After my mc last year my cycle never did return and I ended up having a bleed induced. I'm not sure but the same may be happening to me after this mc too, I'm now 47 days after mc and not even sure if I've ovd yet. My GP said to wait 8 weeks before ttc again but my consultant (who I saw 2 weeks after mc) gave me clomid and told me to get a bleed induced if I didn't have one in 4 weeks and crack on with it. I thought I was oving last week so I've held off having a bleed induced (but now I don't think I did ov afterall as have had no signs) so once I'm two weeks post possible ov if I don't get af (and am not by some miracle pg again) I'll be getting a bleed induced and starting then. Sorry that is a bit of a ramble! We have been ttc for three years so don't want to waste any more time.

Take into account what you have been advised and then go with what you feel is the right thing to do.
Doctors vary in their advice. The standard advice used to be to wait a cycle or more newer advice seems to go for it when you feel ready. As far as dating goes you can always use OPKs and doctors go more by scans these days anyway.

We were planning on not waiting but had a bit of a scary time so have to talk about it again when things are not so new. Just from a physical point of view I lost a lot of blood and I'm anaemic so I am going to need some time to recover.
Snowbee- do you mind me asking, did you opt for natural mc? Did you have problems with cycles prior to mc? I'm in a foul mood today like my PMT symptoms! Could be because I'm back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off and I don't want to go back.

Bunny I hope you are doing OK. I have seen your other posts and sounds like you are having a rough ride. Sending hugs.

When I first realised I had mc I was contemplating not ttc another, it was so raw and I didn't want to put myself in this situation again. But as time has gone on and I know I want another baby and I feel stronger and more positive as the days go on. My oh had no question about wanting to try for another. He is pretty supportive and I think he understood my fears about trying again.

I have been dipping back into the 2ww threads and ttc threads...... can't believe I will back there after I was in the first tri section.

I am still getting positive hpt so my hormones levels are still not back tto'normal' but I have to admit the thought of ttc again does get me a bit excited. Although if it doesn't happen right away I know I'm going to be disappointed!

Yes I had a natural mc both times. I have pcos and my cycles are affected and they do vary in length from 'normal' to longer (but usually around 35 days) but they were significantly affected for the worse following my first mc. It is too early to tell if the same will happen after this one but I will be moving on with clomid treatment as soon as my next cycle starts so hopefully that will sort my cycles much sooner.
Lou it can take 3 weeks to get a negative hpt if your still getting g positive 3 weeks on I'd call epu to arrange a scan just to make sure it's all completed. X x thinking of you.
Its totally normal to feel that way Lou. When it first happened to me I totally shut off and that was me giving up whereas hubby was like we'll just try again. I got angry at him for saying that which was silly but I just felt too raw! We've just done what felt natural this month, which as it turns out hasn't really entailed DTD much at all but I said I'd do what felt right. I'm sure next month I'll feel better about it and ready to get back on the wagon :) xx
I had 3 miscarriages (one 7w one 10w and one chemical) I wasn't told to wait to ttc after both miscarriages - so didn't after the 10week loss I fell pregnant the very next cycle, but had a chemical! not sure if related, but my hormones where all over the place (could tell by my temps as I charted) so after that I waited and got a bfp with my rainbow baby 5 cycles later.
Hey, Louloubelle, sorry to hear about your misvarrige ️xxx

I didn't wait I wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible but unfortunately I didn't catch, to be honest deep down I'm glad as if anything happend if I did catch I was worried that it was my fault for not waiting. It is a really difficult descionxx

I wish you all the best xxxx
Thanks all.

Has anyone tracked ovulation after a mc? Either via opk or temping?

So ovulation 'typically' occurs 12- 14 days after the start of your period or cd1. BUT when I had my erpc that is classed as cd1 and nearly 12days later I'm still spotting (not heavy enough to class as bleeding I don't think) and I'm still getting faint positive hpt. To me it seems very doubtful I will ovulate in the 'normal' stage if my cycle for obvious reasons so I was wondering did any of u track ovulation after a mc? And if so, when did it occur?

I track ovulation using opk but wondering if they will be accurate this month. I'm assuming I need a negative hpt before I can ovulate. Is that correct does anyone know? Xx
You can ovulate with hcg in your system. But hcg can also give a poss opk as well. This is why the nurses say wait for a natural period first so dating is more accurate. I know when I had my first when I had my scan to make sure all was gone I was very close to ov so much the sonographer pointed out my next egg to me but I can't remember how far after my mc I had that scan. However a nc can throw our cycles out of whack a lot. I've been fortunate and so far touch wood my cycles were bang on after my mcs. Well as bang on as I can be my cycles are 14-31days long...
I'm on cd 11 today starting tomorrow I'm doing daily opks as well. I know at cd 7 I think I got a strong pos hpt and opk. Sorry I'm not much help maybe someone else will be.

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