to have pain relief or not


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2008
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has anyone thought about what they are going to do in regards to pain relief with all mine i have had no pain relief and hope to do the same with this one i dont even have gas and air just wondered other peeps are planning to do ?????? :) :) :)
Well done to you hun for having no pain relief at all! :clap: :clap:

I had gas and air with Amber and then pethidine when I was 8cm dilated. I really didn't like that at all, although the gas and air was brilliant! This time I am going to try really hard to just manage on the gas and air, and going in the water as I did last time as that also helped with the pain!
my first i was 15 and the m/w was constantly pressuring me to have pethadine to point i said ok just to shut her up i was 5cm dilated walked down a hallway laid on a delivery bed they checked again i was 10cm 5 mins later she was out 8ld so i thought next time i can do it and no matter what i have i have never had guts to try a water birth i really want a home birth but with it been my 6th they said it would be better if i was in hosp :D
My intention at the moment is to just have gas and air but this is my first baby so I have no idea what to expect!!! I am open to all options excpet Epidural as this frightens me and I know I would feel more frightened by this than the pain (well, I think I know, its easy to say when you have experienced and have NO idea what labour is like)!!!! :lol:
Well done to you :clap:
You must be one strong lady :)

I am going to try again with just gas and air. Hopefully that will be enough. It helped me last time with my breathing. It was nice at the start but I couldn't even feel the effects near the end, mostly it just helped me stay focused.
ive had only gas and air with 3 of mine, did'nt really use it propley though just wanted to bite on something lol and i had no pain releif at all with my second. i plan to have no pain releif again this time but may not have a choice as im being induced
Before I gave birth to my daughter I was adamant I wanted to give birth as naturally as possible. I only had gas and air and was too stubborn to even try anything else during almost 24 hours of painful labour, 3 failed ventouse attempts and one forceps delivery after having an episiotomy. I definitely think my PND was mainly due to the horrendous birth experience.

With this baby I'd love to have the strength to do without any strong pain relief but I suspect due to the problems with the placenta and bleeding they'll either offer me a c section or want me monitored throughout in which case I'll be open to an epidural.

chaz84 said:
has anyone thought about what they are going to do in regards to pain relief with all mine i have had no pain relief and hope to do the same with this one i dont even have gas and air just wondered other peeps are planning to do ?????? :) :) :)

Amazing lady!!!

I will take any pain relief that is offered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not very brave!
chaz84 said:
has anyone thought about what they are going to do in regards to pain relief with all mine i have had no pain relief and hope to do the same with this one i dont even have gas and air just wondered other peeps are planning to do ?????? :) :) :)

5 kiddies, 1 on the way and no pain relief.... ur amazing.

I plan to go for just gas and air BUT i have no idea what its gonna be like so im open to all lol xx
Oh my are a legend doing it with no pain relief what a woman!!

I had a back to back labour with my son and it was agony, id recommend an epidural any day!!! That will top on my list of pain relief.

Tens machines and brilliant for the beginning though. Especially if you have bad back ache.
I'm a wimp and feeling scared about the whole thing. I don't know what pain relief i'll have yet. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so i don't know if they'll discuss it with me then. The midwife asked me about the birth at my last appointment and i said 'can we talk about it another time'. I guess i'll have to drag myself out of this denial at some point though!

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