i was induced with my first and it can be a long process, i was given the first gel at 8:30am and not long after contarctions started but were'nt very strong but were regular this carried on until the next morning when they decided to break my waters at 7:30am pains got more intense and i had an epi and they stuck me on drip to speed it up
baby was showing signs of distress after a few hours so was monitored internally with the little thing on his head, no signs of improvements atter another couple of hours i got to 9cm dilated and was rushed to theatre for emergency section baby was born at 5;46pm just over 33hrs in total and i still never gave birth!! i was just happy it was all over by then though as i was knackered
but every induction is different there was a women on my ward who was induced and within a couple of hrs of having the gel her waters broke and body took over from induction, just over 6 hrs in total she laboured for