TMI - what's going on...down there?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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well...this is a bit of a gross thread...but has anyone else noticed more wetness down there? I swear every time I go to the loo is seems as though I have leaked wee as there is a damp patch on my knickers!

also, has the smell gotten worse/ stronger/ more noticeable for anyone?

Thank God for forums like this....
Yep i'm exactly the same hun! I think it's perfectly normal! x
Eewo! Yup! I always wear a pantyliner anyway, have done since I was young as find it keeps u fresh all day! But def feeling a bit diff down there and it does smell diff too!and seems to have increased slightly in tri 2.xx
Ladies I am so glad for this thread! I thought something might be wrong with me.The books claimed to be normal - i convinced myself that cant be right....... hopefulmummy, thanks for opening the discussion. I also get the dampness and I am constantly changing undies. Also, in tri 2 the smell is a lot stronger. I feel like I am constantly cleaning myself!!! lol

I have read that you need to be careful to ensure that you dont get an infection. Though what we are experiencing is very normal. Part of the process of being pregnant!

Thanks for sharing :)
Yes i am aswell... im glad you brought this up :) must be normal if we are all getting it xx
totally normal girlies,its an increase in secretions 'down there' thanks to the lovels hormones, sorry im a biology geek
yeah getting it aswell. keep thinking ive wet myself abit but its that.

again thanks for thread was going to ask but thought it might just be me. xxx
I'm very happy to see this thread too, i have noticed an increase in wetness! TMI alert!!... a wee while back i noticed a different smell too, didn't like it one bit, found out i had a UTI! It's all cleared up now and theres no smell, but i still feel damp-ish from time to time but very glad to say i'm clear of the uti! x
my MW said the discharge is normal not for it to be smelly tho- I always mention it at my appoinments cause i always think there somthing wrong she says if it doesnt smell its fine :)
yup , I was actually thinking I had an infection . I dont remember it being like this last time . Im so glad im not the only one :)
Rósa;1832857 said:
It gets worse ladies! :p

Oh yes..... ;-)

Totally normal and nothing to worry about but a bit inconvenient!

Ive now lost count of the amount of times Ive thought Ive either leaked or wet myself and had to make my excuses to go get cleaned up!

Lovely xxx
yep lol, i noticed it other day in mi pj's, (ad no kecks on) and i just felt damp lol minging but just another lovely we go threw x
ah vaginal discharges ! mine are getting worse, I feel like a slug ,how digusting...but on the positive side ,just know that those horrible milky mild smelling discharges have a noble purpose:to protect the birth canal from infection and maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina (just copied that from my pregnancy book).Some prefer to wear panty liners but do not use tampons or douche inside your vagina,it would upset your natural balance of micro organism in your vagina and could lead to infections...there you go
thank god! I am too embarassed to even bring it up in front of my midwife.

glad to know it is normal...I just feel gross all the time I want to shower like twice a day and although it doesn't smell GROSS I feel like I can smell something even whilst sitting with clothes on and am convinced others around me can smell it as well.

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