TMI what is this?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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TMI i know but i suppose most of you ladies are used to that now!!

Since yesterday i've been experiencing little 'gushes' of something from up there, not blood (Phew) dont think its wee and baby is moving around fine and seems okay so not anything drastic i dont think. Increased discharge? but why all of a sudden now, i keep feeling it happen and rush to the loo to see whats going on, just clear normal looking stuff :oops:
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

is it just one of those things do you think?
hey chick, i had this and was advised to see my m/w/ go to hosptial..

dont be alarmed as mine was nothing serious and is probably all ok, but your waters could be leaking, pop to the delivery suit in your hospital, and they'll do a quick internal make sure eveythings ok..


sure your fine, but always best to check xx
I had something similar when I was carrying my daughter, as charlotte said, pop to hospital to get it checked out. Mine turned out to be nothing, but better safe than sorry. :D
i have had this for a few weeks now hun mine was just increased discharge but it did worry me best to get it checked out as if it is your waters they will need to keep a closer eye on you :hug: xxxxxxxx
I'm the same as above - posted about it a few days ago. MW advised to go and get checked and it was fine.
I would get yourself checked as it is a slight chance it could be amniotic fluid - but like the rest of us, it's probably fine!

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