Tmi thread....sorry but i gotta ask.

laura dec 1988

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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Hello :wave:

So since yest i have a lot of erm....pressure lets say downstairs lol

I feel like the baby is pushin down HARD on my bits :oooo: and it really is bloody uncomfortable. Never had this is my pregnancy so far! I thought i needed the toilet...sorry tmi....but when id been it was still really bad and last night i cud not sleep AT ALL!!! :shock:

So today is my sis's 18th we went for a family meal and i had to link with my dad the whole 15 mins walk and proper proper waddle as i felt like if she pushed anymore down on the lady bits lol she wud fall out! :shock:

what cud this be? surely she cant be engaged at this point. she is very very active today as usual, but when she settles the pressure is unbearable


Tbh hun I would probably get this checked out. At 29 weeks you really shouldn't have this sort of thing so it would do no harm to get it checked :hug:

You've had no loss of water, cramps, blood?

It could be an infection as well but just in case bubs is thinking of coming early get yourself checked over xx
no iv had Bh now for about 3 weeks which are a bit of a pain in the arse lol. Bump just tightens and loosens with a bit of pain nothing i cant cope with though, but iv not lost any fluid or anything no.

Everyones so sure my the size of me i wont go full term ya now u sed that AAARRGGGHHH haha.

its just gettin to point were its gettin really uncomfy

If you're getting 'down below' type pains and pressure I definitely would get it checked hun and get a urine sample checked as well xx
I had something very similar with my first and it was actually really painful if I over did the walking. When I went to my midwife about it, she said that baby was sitting really low and that it was my public symphasis that was causing the problems and to really take it easty. I am just over 20 weeks with my seconds and am already getting the similar kind of feeling in my pelvis. Not sure whether this will be the same, but I agree that you should get it checked out really.x
With my 1st, every so often I would get the same thing. After a while it got so painful so got checked out. Seems it was natures way of .... erm ... kinda stretching out the lady bits etc. I went through spurts of this with no. 2 also. Very unpleasent, but apparently it makes for an easier birth so hopefully it will pay off xx
This sounds very uncomfortable honey, are you going to get checked out tomorrow? I hope you manage a bit of sleep tonight, you must be exhausted x
I didn't have this to the last weeks hun.. I would defo give your midwife a ring just to be sure :) Poor you though, not pleasant x
There's no harm asking but I'd say it's baby engaging. My first was engaged from 28wks and I had the pushing down in my bum too.
Morning girls :) im bloody shattered today, started work at 9.15am and the weather is crappy in Leeds which is making me feel down :( boo hoo lol

Anyway foned my mw this morn, she sed unless there is blood, liquid or anything else been lost then iv not to worry for now. She sed she bets the baby is engaging too Mervs mum :) i suppose thats good and i shud be happy. I asked her if there was a chance Evie could make an early apperance and she just laughed and said "like i said laura, have you hospital bag ready to be safe, it does happen"

I love my mw so much i feel like shes more my friend and shes excited too for Evie to be born which is nice i that she plays a good part :) its ace

Ooooh just seen this thread and i had exactly the same last pregnancy with my son! I saw the MW and she warned me about vaginal varicose veins because of the weight and pressure, my bits and pieces started to look a bit swollen and she told me to get on all fours with my bum in the air for a while every day to ease some pressure, also swimming was really helpful as it took some of the weight off! Good luck n I hope it gets a bit better soon xx

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