TMI I know but.......


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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As far as I was aware I OVed a few days ago I tested using POAS and was got a positive!! (at least I thought I did) .... now this morning I have thick slimy white discharge, should I be getting this before or after OV??

thanks and sorry if its tmi

i googled it lol there is conflicting things about it lol a few places say it's cas your sue a af and other sites say it happens in pregnancy lol so i can't help you soz however why not google search it :D
i had this on my last cycle so was confused about when i ovulated i'm not sure, i would say bd just incase anyway :dance:
I not sure about ov tests as I don't do them but am I correct in thinking that when you get a + on OV test that it means you are to OV within the next 12-48 hours :think: :think: If that is the case then (depending when you got the +test) maybe you are OVing now! I would get bding anyway just incase.

Why are our bodies sooo confusing!? :wall:
I hate my body lol... we BDed this morning, Im not holding out much hope for this month like cause my body has been really weird this cycle *growl* :(
apperently after u ov, your cm goes bk to creamy then sticky then dry.
Dnt give up yet hun not over yet :D
maybe it was cause I had just ovulated then!! i wasn't sure when it the cycle I should have it!!! :lol: im useless!!! it was creamy like!!! (sorry again for tmi) :lol:
I never notice any difference in my CM!! And that really pisses me off! :evil: I know when I have my LH surge thanks to the ol CBFM but I just use the Preseed every time cause I think I am a dried up ol hen! :oops:
I had 4 days of this and BD'd each of those 4 days. I read on here it was a good sign to BD so just went for it!
ive read as well that it happens after ov so looks like you may have caught that egg gd luck babydust by the bucket load comin at ya :) :hug:
When in doubt, grab OH and dance it out!! :dance:

I got a positive OPK today :cheer: I think we are testing about the same time Mrs Brightside :cheer: Good luck, wouldn't it be great to go over to 1st tri together!
LittleLambe said:
When in doubt, grab OH and dance it out!! :dance:

I got a positive OPK today :cheer: I think we are testing about the same time Mrs Brightside :cheer: Good luck, wouldn't it be great to go over to 1st tri together!

Yeah well I didnt even notice it my OH did just before we were going to BD :lol:
It would be brilliant if we went together darling.... how exciting :) good luck with the BDing and why are ya posting on here get in that bed room!!!!

sandee said:
I never notice any difference in my CM!! And that really p*sses me off! :evil: I know when I have my LH surge thanks to the ol CBFM but I just use the Preseed every time cause I think I am a dried up ol hen! :oops:

nope me neither.... sometimes I cant feel that im OVin or thing I can when mayb I cant, its all very confusing :lol:
get charting girlies then you know when you have ovulated when you get that rise in your temp xx
rusks said:
get charting girlies then you know when you have ovulated when you get that rise in your temp xx

I cant get my head around charting and never noticed a change in my CM till today to be honest
when i started out charting with DS i got the fertility themometer kit from boots it has a book in there tells you exactly what to do and it has loads of charts. i really do recommend it i never got on with opks either but since i do my temp i really understand my body now its especially great if your cycles can be a bit irregular like mine!! :wall:

you basically have to take your temp first thing on waking every morning and plot it on the graph(takes a minute at most). i work 1-2 nights a week so don't do it every morning religiously but i still see a pattern which corresponds with ovulation etc!!

some people however prefer opks everyone is different.

good luck anyway for lots of BFPs this month x x x
not sure about the cm question but I have my fingers crossed you caught that egg.
well my cm is whiter today and there was loads!!!! out of daftness I did a OV test last night and it came up with a slight line.... I haven't got a clue what is going on now cause according to the OV tests ive OVed twice this month :?

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