TMI- but need some help???


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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well ive finally realised what's been bugging me down below.. Ive felt like something doesn't feel right down there and i started to touch to see if i could feel the problem then i found a fleshy piece of skin down there quite big...

so i asked OH to take a look and he confirmed it was skin, he said it didn't look infected or bad in anyway.. He said it looked like a big skin tag (which makes sense as down there gets stretched)

has anyone else had this??:eh:
Is this on your actual bits hun? I had something similar around the bit where the willy goes in :lol: It went though.. Does it hurt? x
yeah exactly there.. Near the hole lol.. No pain at all. Just annoying now i know its there.. What was urs like? Hehe comparing lumps now:D x
Yep. Same here. Really don't know what to do about it. Had it since my 1st 6 years ago x
how bizarre.. I was gonna rush to the docs in a panic.. Im not so scared now x
I have this too! Like a funky skin tag from within. I think I have a rectocele prolapse and that's what's pushing everything out a bit. My OH says everything's just the same as before but I have looked and it definately isnt'! I asked at the coil clinic too, but in not so many words so I'm not sure she really understood what I was asking. I'm hoping pelvic floor exercises will help to pull it all back up. It must be there all the time, we just never notice it.
Mine has went, it was just "skin" :lol: like it had been stretched and was kind of coming together again if that makes sense? It must be v common, although if it's annoying you go to your docs hun.. I think they're v understanding when it comes to down there when we have had babies x
At my last smear thR nurse said "Oooh did you tear really bad then?" and I was like "yea, no shit"!. So I haven't dared look myself. Hubby swears theres nothing there but he's just being sweet.
I have to book my smear on Monday! Thanks for reminding me lol.. I'm still a bit traumatized from being stripped and lying with my legs wide open getting my wax done! Hopefully I will at least get a sheet for my smear :lol:
thanks girlies, i will ask doc to check it out for me.. but im not worried like i was when i first found it :) x
Ooooh I had this too! it went away but I never actually checked it out . But I think it was because I had an episiotomy ?
Ooooh I had this too! it went away but I never actually checked it out . But I think it was because I had an episiotomy ?

I had an episiotomy too.. maybe its a regular thing, ive booked myself in at the docs on the 1st of feb when Jack has his 2nd lot of jabs x

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