TMI but advice please


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Morning all,

Well after having a couple of really bad nights due to hip pain - last night topped the lot - I found it really difficult to get to sleep but when I did I woke up at 3.30 am ish very wet!! I got out of bed and realised I had soaked the pad I was wearing (thank god for Tena Lady) I am pretty sure I wet myself :oops: as I woke up coughing and often have problems with leaking a bit if I cough but now I am worrying myself to death......

Baby is moving like mad this morning and my bump feels like I have pulled a muscle and is very hard.... I dont have an appointment for another couple of weeks and I dont know whether to bother the midwifes at the hospital - really dont want to waste thier time....

What would you do..... I dont seem to be leaking this morning

Jane x
Hun if you feel like something isnt right then get yourself up to them, thats what they are there for :hug:
Phone up the hospital and get it checked out, its beter to get resured than sit there worrying x
sorry to hear you had a rough night :(

yea you should ring if your unsure but keep an eye on things, if you do start to leak anymore you need to check that it wasnt your waters. Probably wasnt but best to keep an eye on it

Hopefully you'll be able to have a nice long nap through the day xx
i would give your midwife a ting hun and see what she suggests. :hug:
i would give your midwife a ting hun and see what she suggests. :hug:
:wave: Sarah - I did phone the hospital and we went in tonight at 5.00 to see the midwife - they monitored the baby and all is well with his heartbeat and movements - they also gave me an internal and found I have a small prolapse which will explain why I feel so heavy down below and also the need for tena lady :oops: She thinks I probably wet myself a bit :oops: when he booted my bladder :D

It may right itself when he is born, if not its just a simple operation afterwards!!

They were so lovely and said they would rather see me everyday than have me worry at home...... got to take it a bit easier and not walk so much if I feel achy down there as they dont want it to get any worse but all in all I am so glad I went. Feeling a bit strange after the internal and a bit sore but nothing a nights sleep wont sort out.

Thanks for your help.

Jane x
glad to hear that they were so nice in the hozzie and manage to put your mind at rest! :D

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