TMI But a question!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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I have no idea when Im Ovin, tried the charting thing gave up after a few days couldnt get my head round it, plus as Im not sure when af is due I could be doing it for weeks getting more & more frustrated!

anyhoos, last couple days I have had slightly more discharge then normal, on a couple occasions its been a slight off color, havent really thought much of it, last night though when I went for a wee & wiped after there was a speck of blood on the tissue paper, my last af started 23/11 so I know its not af starting or could it be?? I have slight tummy ache the last couple days but nothing major, so could it be my body just settling back down?

sorry for the questions, I know no one knows the exact answer but advice would be cool!
ok slight update, I still have a lot of CM, buts its pretty much blood stained is this normal, Im on CD25
Hi hun,
I'm not sure why you're getting this at the moment. From your signature it says you m/c on the 23/11 but I wouldn't count that as day one of your last period. My dr said to wait until my next af in 4-6 weeks and then count from then as day one of my cycle.
It could just be your body settling back down to normal. If you're concerned I'd go speak to your gp about it.

I did read somewere to count that as first day of cycle if that makes sense, but if I didnt then it cuold be an af starting early, I hope so coz then I can start working out my cycles properly at long last!
thanks for the reply!

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