

Mar 1, 2007
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How are people coping with their tiredness?!!!

Mine seems to have got really bad in the last week. Went to sleep at 8pm the night before last, slept for 12 hours, and still felt shattered by lunchtime the next day. Quite often feel like crying at work cos I'm so exhausted.

Is this normal? Everyone keeps telling me I look really pale but I always look pale so don't know how much to read into it. Can you be anaemic this early on?

Any advice gratefully received!!
PS. Hurray!! My ticker worked for the first time :lol:

And Yvonne - I've only just read your reply to my last post. Just realised we're pretty much the same dates with the same tickers! :hug:
Hi Eve,

My tiredness started from about 3 weeks and lasted up until about 11 weeks then it really started to get better from there. I was even going out to my car to sleep for half an hour in my breaks at work! There's nothing you can really do except make sure you get plenty of sleep xx
Yeah i was so tired! :sleep: Still am but not as bad. In the early weeks i could have literally gone to sleep on my work desk!

Now, i'm tired at night and am in bed by 9.30 most nights, wake up at 7.00 and am still knackered!

Though, i used to get really tired pre-pregnancy - my old housemates used to say i was half girl, half duvet! :rotfl:

I had really bad tiredness in the first 15 wks i think really, i could of slept for england still havin early nights but not feelin as tired in the middleof the day :D

sounds totally normal :hug: just one of the many 'joys' of pregnancy lol
I too am exhausted and it seems a million times worse than my first pregnancy but probs because i can't rest like i did last time.

I had anaemia in my first preg - only picked up at 12 wks but this time i had bloods done at 5 wks and already anaemic so it may be worth getting checked out.

I take iron tablets - not that they help much with the tiredness but certainly make me less faint. Although they do add to the horros of constipation!

Good luck
Yep, I'm knackered as well - really just started feeling tired about a week ago, but I just can't stay awake!!

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