Sooooo tired and sore back


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Girls im feeling shattered by about lunchtime ish these days, the tiredness kind of comes in waves too, sometimes my eyelids feel really heavy and then suddenly it goes. Also the bottom of my back tends to ache quite a lot, im nearly 6 weeks pregnant is this all normal? Being my 1st pregnancy you really dont know what to expect.
Hi ya - don't worry sound snormal - i was on my feet all the time working and used to feel ready for bed by 8pm!!
back ache can be all part of your hormones changing
I am just behind you, noticed tiredness setting in, I was running on excitement last week....No other sysmptoms yet, boobs grown and bit heavy and a few dragging pains in my tummy (light period pain feeling) Worrying myself this isnt normal? My sis is 7 weeks preg with her first too and she feels pregnant, sick, spotty, weepy and exhausted. :?
I am feeling tired too. Kind of like I have a bad hangover! I have been on the sofa all weekend. Keep getting period pains too which are like a pulling feeling in my lower region.

I am very weepy and completely freaked out yesterday as I really didn't ever want to loose the baby. Went to see my doctor on Friday morning to confirm the pregnancy and he said that 40% of women don't make it to 12 weeks which didn't help either. Has anyone else heard that? I would do anything to make it all go smoothly. I got back ache too today but it didn't last long.

Ahhrrrr! I need to relax! Until that 12 week scan, that is going to be hard! I have an appointment with the midwife in 2 weeks and I am going to ask for a blood test so I can see what my HCG levels are.

It's good to swop symptoms, makes me feel better!!


I feel exactly the same 'CRAP!' my back hurts, my head hurts and the mornings well.................... I'm not sick its the other end!

I'm so scared about so many things from the idea of being pregnant to loosing the baby so many mixed emotions its hard to keep up!

You'll be relieved to hear that all the symptoms described in this thread are perfectly normal and are nothing to worry about. Keep smiling, girls - you'll be over this stage before you know it, and believe me, you'll feel on top of the world in a few weeks time!
Tasha im glad its not just me that has been 'regular' the other end, I seem to be going more than often lol!! I dont know when my midwife appt is yet, the doctor said she would be in contact with me, at how many weeks are you normally supposed to have your first appt then??
My first appointment was at 10 weeks, as advised by my GP, although my midwife said there really is no need to wait so long, you can go as soon as you know you are pregnant.

I'm not sure if things are different with you, but it was up to me to book the appointment with the midwife, she didn't contact me at all.
my sis is also due two weeks before me, and she has had her hozzie app through for 26th May-she will be 10 weeks then. I am hoping mine will be a few weeks after that.
I had a mild panic attack yesterday, I got so worried as I feel normal still, I am wondering if I am pregnant at all!!! 4 BFPs havent reassured me!!!
I cant wait for my scan just to see the little thing for myself. The days are dragging by.....
Its so nice to share fears and advice, it really helps. Keep smiling girls, sending you all love and prayers to keep us all safe and well :wink:
It's good to know that everyone is feeling the same! When my doctor confirmed my pregnancy, he said to book an appointment with the midwife straight away just for a general chat so I have it next Tuesday.

I keep trying to think of ideas to see if I am really pregnant but haven't come up with anything!!! lol!!!

Yep, have all these wonderful symptoms too, well, except back pain. Totally shattered!!!!! Could definately fall asleep in work, sometimes I can barely keep my eyes open and can't snap out of it for a good hour!! Also sometimes my mouth tastes like I've been sucking a spoon for hours, not nice, thank goodness the nausea seems to be letting up a bit. Hopefully we'll all be feeling better by week 14-16 :pray: but in a bizare twist I'd rather have all this than no little squelsh, isn't nature class!!!!

Take care
Bev x x
Hi, I wouldn’t be worried about being too tired. It all hit me very soon from about 6 weeks up until 13 weeks and I was getting up at 7.00 am for work really tired by 12 pm in the afternoon finish at 5.00 pm and in bed fast asleep for the night by 6.30-7/30 latest!!!!!!!!! I found if you eat fruit such as grapes and suck on boiled sweets and drink plenty of water I could last the day. The tiredness does go eventually now I can stay up until 12.30 am!!!!!!!!!! It’s hard but remember to take it easy to rush things and you will be fine good luck xxxxxxxxxxx
hi Jaidy

This is more then normal... i was going to bed at 6pm when i was first pregnant!!!!! mind you i was really sick.

dont worry it gets better i can stay up till 9 now!!! haha xxxx
lol keely&bump I get to lunch time and I have really heavy eyes then by 6 im tucked up in bed watching telly and asleep by 8-9pm. ohhh the wounderfull symtons we get :angel:

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