

Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Is this normal? How can something so tiny make you so tired or is it unrelated?
Hi Minime

I'm usually a very energetic girlie - ride my horse, work full time as a manager, drive around the country with my job, do the housework.

I keep trying to do all this stuff and I just dont have the energy so please don't think you're alone!

I too often wonder how something that at the moment is supposed to be the size of my little finger is sapping my energy so much. Mind you, I do have a bump, yet I've not put on a pound in weight since I found out I was PG, so I'm guessing all the food I'm eating is being burned up very quickly by the growing little monster!

Apparantly you're supposed to get your energy back in the second trimester.....we shall see
Nor me, i'm definately more tired in my 2nd tri than i was in my 1st. :sleep:

A friend told me;
"Don't stand when you can sit and don't sit when you can lie down".
I'm taking her advice. :D
Minime said:
Is this normal? How can something so tiny make you so tired or is it unrelated?

ur body is doing alot of work internally to accomodate the baby
I'm sooo tired all day. I try to go bed about 10.30 and i'm still knackered. It is passing slightly now at 11 weeks.
You should watch the BBC parenting on demand video online with Doctor Winston......you then see why you get so tired and a whole lot more!!!! :sleep: xx


It's at the top right hand of the screen with a brunette woman in the box where you access the video! xx
Tam, that link is fantastic!
I love old Robert Winstone and it was so interesting to watch.
I'm going to force my DH to watch it too!
Thank you! Lucyx
I am just getting over tiredness, it was like being jet lagged constantly. I found napping when I came in from work each night for an hour helped me...

Make sure you rest when you can, your body is doing an amazing job building a little person, its bound to take it out of you xxxxxxx
Bob said:
Nor me, i'm definately more tired in my 2nd tri than i was in my 1st. :sleep:

Same here..i could sleep all day long i think :shock:
LucyBee said:
Tam, that link is fantastic!
I love old Robert Winstone and it was so interesting to watch.
I'm going to force my DH to watch it too!
Thank you! Lucyx

Brilliant aint it!!! Glad you found it useful babe - I like him too, explains things well, no gobble dee gooc science to muddle us up! xx
Lucy, my OH took one look at it and scarpered and that was before I even got to the birth video :rotfl:
i am really tired too. the problem is, is that i keep falling asleep at work. i lay back in my chair and have 5 minutes until the phone ringing wakes me up. i suppose it's one of the perks of working for my dad. he doesn't seem to mind. it's a good job really !!!
yep the tiredness has kicked in for me too, last night i went to bed at 8.45pm, but i did have a restless sleep, like im overtired if you get me, i have been struggling today as well. Heres me saying i haven't got any symptoms and bang it hits you like a truck!! finding it difficult to concentrate on more than one thing at once, and i've never been so forgetful!! :shakehead:
:rotfl: Snap Rusks! I just drove onto the wrong motorway and had to travel 7 miles to the next junction and 7 miles back then when I parked I couldnt remember if I'd locked my car so had to go back to check, daughter thought it was hilarious!
im not getting a lot of sympathy :cry:

I feel absolutly exhausted and everyone keeps telling me "you shouldn't be tired yet, you only get tired in your last trimester!!" :sleep: :sleep: I feel like hitting them, i am really struggling with the exhaustion and i just want people to understand how im feeling, :doh: im sure yes the weather isn't helping and i am doing 12 hour shifts (6 shifts in 7 days) which is killing me.

Im getting so moody with people, my mum is the worst, she can't say a thing right at the moment to me!

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