Tired & very emotional...

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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It's probably because of all the lovely BFP's and because it's starting to sink in that I'm pregnant and I am going to be someone's Mum... but I'm so teary!

Had to stay over in London for work last night, Xmas team meal etc and I really didn't want to go. I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks etc and I had only got my BFP on Sunday so didn't want to go even more! But alas, I went anyway, had the meal, had to try and be sly about not drinking etc But this morning, prob because I didn't sleep well, was away from hubby, big empty bed, freezing cold room... but I had a horrible wobble this morning. I just had to get out of the meeting room...I really didn't want to be there, I just wanted to come home and started to get really panicky. I was thinking "be strong for my poppy seed" but I was a mess, more or less grabbed my stuff and just left... started bawling my eyes out on the streets of London & ran to the station & got train home!

I feel fine now I'm back but it really threw me... Hope it was just a one off & it's just my hormones going a bit crazy x
Get used to the crazy hormones!! I threw a wobbler because oh and I argued about who did the dishes and when I banged a pan onto the drainer (guess who was doing the dishes) the drainer broke!! Cue floods of tears.

Oh hunny :hug:
No you did the right thing there my love - always make sure you're ok. I suffer panic & anxiety too so I can sympathise. It was probably you feeling most vulnerable and with good reason ie just found out your pg then away from home. Glad you're ok - don't beat yourself up cos sounds like you did 100% the right thing for you and bean xxxx
Oh hunny :hug:
No you did the right thing there my love - always make sure you're ok. I suffer panic & anxiety too so I can sympathise. It was probably you feeling most vulnerable and with good reason ie just found out your pg then away from home. Glad you're ok - don't beat yourself up cos sounds like you did 100% the right thing for you and bean xxxx

Thank you sweetheart :)

Afterwards I felt such a failure but just had the feeling of "I've got to get out of here!" Maybe my Mummy instinct kicking in... but I guess I need to be selfish and put me & the poppy seed first now x
Aw sweetie! What an awful time to be away from OH! I totally know where you are coming from, I needed loads of hugs and reassurance this morning (and to be told well done and how much i'm going to get looked after). No idea why i needed it, but i did. Maybe 'the fear'. So am glad you are home now and can get a cuddle. I feel awful thinking about how those moments must be if you are one of the women going through it totally alone. Whahhhh! Mustn't cry, am luckiest girl in the world.

I know, there I was bawling my eyes out on the way to the station on the phone to hubby going "I'm coming home", prob gave him the fright of his life. I was fine as soon as I knew I could go home. Weird eh? I hate going away for work, absolutely hate it, this is why I am trying to change jobs, just want a nice easy admin job that is based in the office, 5 days a week with no faff on. I want these next 9 months to be as easy and as stress-free as poss! x

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