Tired ALL the time


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Hi all,

I'm really really tired all the time at the moment. I'm sleeping not in one big go but in two goes of between 4 and 6 hours each - one from around 3am to around 9am, then another in the afternoon around 4pm to 9 or 10pm. I can't seem to sleep 7 or 8 hours straight like I used to, I just wake up. Also I'm tired all the time - I have a mild headache when I'm really tired and just pass out from sheer fatigue. If I try to do anything strenuous like clean out my pet rabbits or go to the shops, I get even more tired.

I thought this stage of pregnancy was supposed to be the energetic one?! :roll: Is there something I might be missing in my diet that's causing this? I eat lots of fresh fruit and veg.

Any help gratefully received!

Do you know, I'm feeling like that too. I get tired and sometimes sleep when I get home from work as I'll be bound to have a headache which really drains me.
Keep feeling like I might be doing something wrong. I asked the midwife about this and she just said it's my hormones.
I would go to the doctors and ask them to test for anemia or ask your MW to test you.

Its very common in pregnancy despite some people eating lots of fresh fruit and veg.

At this stage you should start to feel more energetic and it doesn't sound right to me.
Your post sounded exactly like one I posted a month ago.....

I'm 19 weeks now and it's still only slightly improving, I allow myself 30 mins for a nap during the day always before 4.00pm and thats it, as I found sleeping during the day was further disrupting night time sleep. As hard as it is to keep your eyes open, a cat nap is better than a full blown 2 hour kip when you wont be able to then sleep at night.

I'ts really about trying to adjust to the hormones flying around in your body, you may find that next week you will get 4 nights solid sleep and still feel exhausted during the day....it chops and changes on and off for me.

I spoke to my MW and forced her to take bloods for anemia from me as I was convinced it was not right being so so so tired all the time, I can literally sleep standing up. Everything came back fine! Just good old Progesterone to blame for slowing everything down!

I wouldn't worry too much, as It's just one of those really annoying symptoms some of us get, your body is running a marathon daily making the little baby inside you grow big and strong, it's going to wear you out.

I hope it manages to improve for you as I seem to be coping better now in between the leg cramps and thumper in my belly bashing me hard all night :lol: .

If it has not cleared up by 20 weeks I would push for bloods just to be sure, but generally anemia is common in the 3rd Tri not the 2nd..... I hope you feel better soon.

C xxx
i felt knackered all the time right up until the end of last week... id give it a little bit longer (if youve had your bloods checked - i made them check for anaemia first), hopefully you will feel better soon. x
Thanks for your responses everyone. :)

I've increased my iron intake (a good spinach salad daily and red meat twice a week) so hopefully that should eliminate anything caused by anaemia. If I still feel like this next week I'll talk to my doctor and ask about anaemia.

Today I slept from 12am midnight to 6pm!! :doh: I feel crap now and will try to get a little sleep tonight just to get my body back on track. I set my alarm but I just sleep through it. :?

Thanks again!


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