Tips for travelling with a young baby (16 months)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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We are going to florida this year at the hotest time of the year and wanted to know if anyone had any advice?

Obviously I'll be taking high factor sunblock for harrison, and wondered if to take a pop up sun shade and a uv swimsuit for him?

I'm clueless please help
We travelled with LO at 17 months to a HOT destination. Found we didn't use half the stuff we took.
Took factor 50 suncream, LO still got a slight tan!! We used uv-swimwear in the pools/water (sun cream underneath also) and LO always wore a sun hat. You'll find pools/beaches are pretty stocked with sun brolly's etc anyway so carting a sun tent thing IMO is a waste of luggage space. Biggest tip......pack LOADS to entertain on the plane!!!!!!! Prepare ages in advance if you can and stuff a bag full of things LO hasn't seen before, new exciting things, along with old favourites too. Walk up and down the isles with LO (be prepared for other passengers tutting at you but sod them you need to keep LO entertained, happy etc - I'd tut back and by the 100th time we walked past and heard tut's I gave them a blooming mouthful, the 101 time they didn't even tut!! LOL). You'll find Florida is really kid orientated so if you need something you haven't got you can get it there anyway, just make sure you take a drink bottle, lots of water!!
It is easy to travel abroad with a little one, so try not to panic!

First thing I would say is prebook your seats on the plane for the bulkhead... for a little one you get a fold down cot or bouncer chair for the bulkhead for no extra cot - plus you get loads more leg room :)

Take your sunblock, sun hats etc... UV swim suit. Try to get a little bottle with a spray top, that you can fill up with water to mist cool water in his face.

Have a bottle for him to suck on for take off and landing to help his little ears.

Don't fill your suitcases with loads of nappies etc... You can buy all that there. If you are doing a fly/drive trip.. once you are settled and have your car, take a trip to the Walmart and you can buy all his nappies/wipes etc. You will also be able to get a wee pop-up sun tent from there too for under $10 I would imagine.

Remember as well... if you are traveling with an infant... at the airport, you get to board the plane before anyone else... usually along with the first class passengers, so that you can get in and all your stuff in the over head locker without other people pushing and getting in your way.

Hope that helps, and have a fab trip!
I've just done this (we had the bulkhead seats) :D
Riley is only 9 months but we have also done long haul with Brody at 12 months and Mason at 18 months.

SarahH's list is very good.

I would REALLY recommend one of those sunsuit things, a selection of hats etc.
For the plane you will probably have a TV in front of your so maybe that might help occupy him for a bit? Riley obvioussy not bothered about the TV at all.
I never bothered taking our pop up sunshade cos I knew Riley wouldn't sit in it anyway.

I'm trying to think what else we took but I don;t think we went overboard. Got most use out of the sunscreen, hat and parasol.

You can also take your car seat and if he has his own seat on the plane most airlines let you take your big car seat on so they can sit in it. We did that with Brody last time and it was a lifesaver.

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