Tips for preparing cervix for labour


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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Hi I am due to get an induction date on Monday and my midwife had booked me for a sweep on the 11 April to try and prepare my cervix.

Would sex help as well, willing to try anything if it will help soften the cervix I am also planning on getting a birthing ball to try and get baby deep into my pelvis.

As my midwife believes as they are inducing early at 38 weeks (i think it will be 39 wks) I need to get my cervix prepared to try and illiminate a long stretched out labour she said I could go as long as 2 days if they induce and my cervix isnt prepared :shock:

I am currently 3/5 engaged.

Any suggestions
well midwives have been saying that you should have sex at least twice after a sweep, the prostoglandin in sperm softens the cervix.

so i think it's sex, sex,sex,sex all the way- oh and nipple stimulation is supposed to caused a release in hormones. :dance: :dance:
Thanks Yvonne,

I mentioned this to my partner last night and he was well chuffed at the thought of lots of sex. :lol:

So was mine, he thought it was christmas again!!! :lol: :lol:

Sarah why you being induced early? I hope you don't mind me asking, and i'm sorry if i've missed one of your earlier posts.
Hi Yvonne,

I dont mind at all.

They are inducing early as I have daily injections to thin my blood due to a past DVT.

They need the injections to be stopped 2 days before labour apprently the anethist request this if an epidual is required (not that I want one) but incase I have no option and have to have one.

So they have decided to prevent me going in to labour naturally they want to set a date to stop injections and iduce the baby. But my midwife is concerned that I could be without injections for four days and want to encourage the cervix for labour so that I can go back to injections post the birth. I can stop this after 6 weeks. which cant come soon enough as they really hurt now.

oh sarah i bet its awful for you. Well at least they are prepared then and you don't have to worry about going over due.

I hope the cerix ripening goes well for you hun, there is nothig worse than things not going as you want them to in induction, i know- it happened when i was having Amy. :roll:
Thank Yvonne.

I know it will probably happen that way I will do everything I can and it will still be a long drawn out labour :roll:

But what will be will be and I can only give it a go if anything my partner will be the happiest man around for the next few weeks :lol: :lol:


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