Hi I am due to get an induction date on Monday and my midwife had booked me for a sweep on the 11 April to try and prepare my cervix.
Would sex help as well, willing to try anything if it will help soften the cervix I am also planning on getting a birthing ball to try and get baby deep into my pelvis.
As my midwife believes as they are inducing early at 38 weeks (i think it will be 39 wks) I need to get my cervix prepared to try and illiminate a long stretched out labour she said I could go as long as 2 days if they induce and my cervix isnt prepared
I am currently 3/5 engaged.
Any suggestions
Would sex help as well, willing to try anything if it will help soften the cervix I am also planning on getting a birthing ball to try and get baby deep into my pelvis.
As my midwife believes as they are inducing early at 38 weeks (i think it will be 39 wks) I need to get my cervix prepared to try and illiminate a long stretched out labour she said I could go as long as 2 days if they induce and my cervix isnt prepared

I am currently 3/5 engaged.
Any suggestions