Location thrush is usually visible on the inside of the cheeks and lips, on the gums, and on the tongue. If present, it will usually spread to 3 or 4 of these places inside the mouth. A thin coating on the tongue only may simply be milk. However, a thick white coating on the tongue is probably thrush.
Does not come and go thrush will usually hang around for weeks. Milk patches inside the cheeks and lips, on the other hand, will come and go with feedings. A milk coating on the tongue, however, can be more stubborn, often staying there for weeks as well.
Does not easily wipe off use your finger and try to wipe away the white patch. If it comes off easily, it's probably milk. Thrush is harder to scrape away, and can even bleed slightly when removed.
Associated factors if either baby or a breastfeeding mom has recently taken antibiotics, or your baby has a stubborn, raised, red diaper rash with outlying red spots (yeast diaper rash), then any suspicious white patches in baby's mouth are much more likely to be thrush.