White patches


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Hi, Jack has some white patches on his lips, mainly the inside. Could it be thrush? I thought that with thrush the white patches appeared on the gums!

He is sucking on everything, even his own lips and gums so wondered if that was it!

Any advice?

The poor little man also has a cold, god bless him!!! :(
yh defo sounds like thrush Dior had it on her lips then it got worse on her tounge and stuff doc gave me some medicine for it cleared up after about a week
So does it cause them any discomfort?

Im breast feeding and bottle feeding so should I bottle feed and express untill its cleared up?

Poor little man, thrush, cold and teething!!! :(
awww bless him.. poor lil thing yh its ment to be sore for them, if u get to the docs soon might not get bad but i left Diors for a few days after noticing the lil white marks didnt realise what it was, after a few days her mouth was covered in the white blisters when they suck Dior went right of her feeds, not sure on the breast feeding thou hun i only bottle fed....

Kiaras had it for about two months now an dit just aint going away.
I have cream for me and drops for her but they say it can take a few days to severalmonths of it to disappear.
It does sound like thrush though.
It is suppost ot cause discomfort and can make them gassy and cranky, JUst think Kiaras been like this for a couple months now and its terrible.
I hope it goes away fast for you.
Also check with your doc as you might have it as well if your breastfeeding i didnt know it was possible for me to have it which is why Kiaras got worse as the medicine wasnt working.
If you have pain during and after feeding in yu breasts you may have it so get cream so you wont pass it back and forth.
Good luck i hope it clears fast for you .
Hi Guys,

Well I took Jack to the doctors this morning and he thinks its a slight thrush infection.

The doctor didnt think it was too bad as Jack wasnt grizzly and I have had no symptoms. (yet!) :pray:

Doctor prescribed 'Dacktarin' cream for his lips which I can also use on my nipples! :)

im glad you know now and caught it before you got as bad as we are.
Hope it clears fast for ya

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