Time for number 2?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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I am so broody its killing me :rotfl:

How do you know when its time? We are happy as we are so I don't want to spoil things. When I say spoil I just mean because we've been so lucky with Isaac sleeping through and not being sicky If we had another and it was the oposite I think it wouldn't be fair on Isaac if mummy is tired all the time and constantly cleaning up another baby. I'm 34 this year otherwise I'd wait for Isaac to go to school. I feel like time is ticking, I don't want Isaac to be an only child but I also don't want to take away the lovely childhood Isaac is having. I know I know I know another child would enhance our family, I don't mean to be negative, but practically its not all playing happy families is it? Kids are hard work and I'm coping as we are. What if I couldn't cope with Isaac and being pregnant and then Isaac and a baby to care for????????

oooo It a toughy!!! :think:
me and my best freind were tlking bout this the other day, were both 20 and i have bray she has a 5 month old son, and as much as we would both love another now, we enjoying our boys to much right now, i dunno im hoping u just get that feeling lol
Sarah&Braydon said:
me and my best freind were tlking bout this the other day, were both 20 and i have bray she has a 5 month old son, and as much as we would both love another now, we enjoying our boys to much right now, i dunno im hoping u just get that feeling lol

You have age on your side Sarah (lucky moo!) My biological clock is ticking. Listen....you can here it :rotfl:

I have a definate feeling of wanting to have another baby. Maybe its the excitment of all the girls on here having babies? Its such a hard decision but then so was deciding to have Isaac and thats been the best decision of my life!!!! Can I be so lucky twice??????

I definately think that being a member on here contributes towards broody. I'm so broody I was crying earlier sorting through Alex's stuff he's grown out of and there is no way on earth we could cope mentally or financially with a 3rd!!
I was the same in that DD was so good, always slept brilliantly and was rarely ill. Then DS came along and it was a major shock because he was very unsettled at night and constantly ill with coughs/colds and wheezing (we've just found out this was due to asthma though). It put enormous strain on our home life, Ella has missed out in my eyes but then so has Alex. It is hard work running a home and looking after two small ones and I can't imagine what it would be like just to have one, it seems like it would be so easy :wink: :rotfl:

Buuuut there is a shorter age gap where we're concerned, I think the age gap you'd be looking at with Isaac would be a lot better all round. Will you be sending him to preschool when he gets to 3? If so then at least you'll have some bonding time with baby when Isaac is there, and also a little bit of breathing time!

Having a new baby is always going to be a major adjustment and ultimately it's your decision. You're not that old and could wait :)
Go for it!! I deliberated over this a few months back..was it the right time etc. In the end i thought would i be sad if i never had another and i felt i would be so just went for it. (As you can tell by ticker :rotfl: )

Also, with the age gap thing, everyones different. I have a friend who waited 4 years and found it very hard going back to nappies etc. Ill have a 2.5 year gap and have been told it hard of some and a lovely gap from others so who knows!

I wanted a close (ish) gap as theres 4 years between me and my brother and we never played together aor got on really till i was about 16.

Good luck with your choice.x :D
lou said:
I'm 34 this year otherwise I'd wait for Isaac to go to school. I feel like time is ticking,

Tell me about it, I'm 36 this year. Damn bodies starting to shut down on us when we are in our prime :lol: tick, tock........tick, tock.......
I'm in a similar situation. :?

I'm 32 this year, and I think we'll start TTC when Stanley turns 2. I don't buy into this big/small gap to help siblings bond. People either get on or they don't, so much of that is just chance in my eyes.

I see people with 2 kids and it looks SUCH hard work. In truth I'm a lazy mare and at the end of many days feel sorry for myself with just the one. And Stanley is a fairly 'easy' child as they go.

But I figure if you want a bigger family (and part of me does feel I 'owe' Stanley a sibling) you've just got to go for it. It'll never get easier!
We are trying again soon, probley after first AF, we have 4 under 5 and its great. Im only 24 but i want lots of children lol
Only you know the answer Lou, ur the one havin to go thru it again haha :lol:

Im put off havin more everytime I see myself in the mirror :roll:
Only YOU knows if you're ready, is the easy/hard answer :lol:

I'm 31 this year and although that's nowhere near 'old', we want a big family, and want to be here to see them all grow, and see them with their families, plus I would feel selfish not giving Isaac, and this one, more siblings, we don't have a big family and I woouldn't want them feeling they didn't have those family ties :)

Personally I would have loved a 4yr gap between all my babies but life is short and I started late :lol: Isaac was full on 'hard work' and if this one is so be it, I will get through and my babies won't suffer for it, I might lose some sleep and sanity but who doesn't, I'd rather it be for my kids that anything else :cheer:

Whatever you decide lou I wish you all the very best, your Isaac sounds lovely and happy, I'm sure a brother or sister for him would be easily entwined into your family, with love and ease :hug:

sarah113 you are amazing :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for all your replies girls. I really appreciate it because you've all given me loads to think about and pretty much all the pro's and con's I need to mull over.

Isn't it a hard decision!!!!??? :shock: :think:

I can't help having the atttitude 'if it aint broke don't try and fix it' iykwim? We are all so happy at the moment so do we count our blessings and enjoy our family for the time being or do we share our happiness and make our family even richer by bringing another child into it?

just think he'll be at an age where he can play with his sibling, they do get lonely, paris is nearly 8 and I think she would have seriously benefitted from a sibling sooner :D

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