time for another baby???


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls
my son is 5 on the 11th of november and i really feel ready for a baby and have discussed with alfie about this but all i seem to get is i dont want one and when i asked what if mummy has one anyway he said he will.............wait for it............ put my baby in the recycling bin!!!!!!!!!:shock::shock::shock:

iv told him we will still love him and he wil always be my special little boy and than nothing will change any tips on getting him to come round to the idea i dont want him to not like me if i do fall pregnant or have another baby as he means the world to me and i need him to be involved too
thanx for reading :)
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ive no real advice but if you do have another one make him feel involved take him to the scans tell him he will have some oe to play with and to look out for when the tym comes take him shopping for baby clothes ask him to choose something for baby to come home with also ask him to pick baby first cuddly toy i think he would be more involved with hi little bro or sister um sure he will come round
If you want another baby hunni have one it's not up to your son to tell you if you can have one or not lol!! He will come round to the idea eventually then when he is older just say I wanted someone there for you to grow up with x

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thanx girls it means alot
weve spoke bout it n i finally got i oh i suppose but im not doing stinky bums im too old for that
i think he meant young lol
thanx again x x
Lol bless him hope you conceive quickly and have a happy and healthy nine months hunni xx

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thankyou very much i am currently in ttc and have purchased my opks now got them today
i have been trying for 2 months but didnt have a clue about all these opks and things untill i found this site...well i am currently in my second month..... 7 days till AF due!!!
thanx huny x
i think thats a good age gap, theres 6 yrs between my Oh n his sister, (he is the oldist) n even tho she sat on his toys n broke his trains as a kid, they are really close now and he would do anything for her,

good luck with ttc and im sure ur lil boy will be fine once babys here!!!

thanx hun :D yeah i dont think he wud have much choice but be :p
i don't have any mothering experience, but i think that you might try informing your son of what is happening rather than asking him and make him feel he has a say in it but is being ignored.

My sister treats her son like an equal even though he is 4, which is very good and well when they both agree (ie, doing something he likes) but when he decides he doesn't agree he starts to be very moody and sulky because he thinks that he should have an equal right in everything without understanding because he is just a child :)
thankyou :)
yeah iv told him now that WHEN mummy has a baby not IF no more
its his 5th birthday today and im so proud of how my little lad has grown up but also sad at how long has passed and how independant he has got its made me want a baby sooooooooooooo much more :(
Happy Birthday to your LO, and like the girls said, involve him and he will eventually come round and probably love being a big brother xx

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