tightenings or Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Hi all

I am having a funny weekend where i cant stop worrying for some reason :oops:

At our antenatal the midwife said we should be getting tightening of the uterus ( i am assuming this is the same as BH?), esp. by 34 weeks, and i am not really getting this yet. i know i am under 33 weeks but can you tell me what you are experiencing? I just keep worrying someting is wrong as she said by then she would be a bit concerned if we were not getting these tightenings

I've only really started to feel them properly in the last fortnight (espeically strong this week) so I'd not fret just yet, 34/35 was about when I started to feel them properly - now there just a pest!! :roll:
some people don't notice braxton hicks at all throughout their entire pregnancy. One of the girls at my NCT class is due tomorrow and she has never felt one!

I have only really got them in the last week or so. My bump goes really solid and lumpy (baby's head is just below my ribs and it sticks out!) and it just feels really tight for about 30 seconds or so. Not painful but they can kind of catch you off guard and be a bit uncomfortable, especially if you are walking at the time.

Don't worry you haven't had any yet :hug:
thanks :hug:

she made it sound like it was a problem if you didn't feel them so thanks for the reassurance

It definitely differs from person to person and even pregnancy to pregnancy. With my first I didn feel BH till late on but this time round I have been feeling them from about 25 weeks. So much so I was in hospital last week as they thouught I might be in labour!! False alarm but they were coming every 3 mins and were very strong - not sore just strong. Dont worry, as long as your baby is moving at least 10 times a day everything sounds "normal"!!
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I'm almost 40 weeks (baby is due Tuesday) and I have only been feeling these tightenings on/off for the last 2 weeks.

At our ante natal classes we were told that some women feel them and some don't and some get pain with them and other's don't it's down to the individual I certainly wouldn't worry hun.

I've been feeling them at the very top of my bump how I feel it is both sides are being brought in towards the middle.
I have been having lots over the past few days, i just had 6 really big ones and thought baby was on it's way :shock: Settled down now thankgod, i wouldn't worry at all everyone is different and you will know when they start :hug:
I was out eating in a pub friday night when I was 32 weeks exactly and I got a pain right across my bump at the bottom, it lasted for 20 minutes then went.
I got it the next morning too and my tummy went really hard and kinda pointy and it also lasted for about 20 minutes.
I did get a bit worried until I figured out I was having braxton hicks :roll:
I didn't think they were supposed to hurt but I found it a little tiny bit painful.

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