Braxton hicks


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hi ladies

What do braxton hicks feel like? I think I am supposed to have had some by now but I really don't know what I am looking for! Is it normal not to have them by 30 weeks? xx
I felt everything go hard, like my bump would clench and then release. Everyone feels them differently and some don't feel them at all x
Some people don't feel them at all. I think they're stronger with subsequent pregnancies. With me it felt like pressure all over my tummy & your tummy goes really hard. They can sometimes be quite uncomfortable but are irregular unlike proper contractions xxx
I have been feeling these lately tummy goes hard and feels tight and is un comfortable x

29 weeks pregnant. Team yellow x
I'm not sure if I've felt anything either Kirsty. Sometimes my bump goes hard but it feels like baby has moved into a funny place rather than muscles contracting... xx
I think I had some of these this morning at work then. As I was trying to work my belly was going quite hard and felt really strange. Not painful but odd. Didn't even occur to me they could be Braxton hicks xx
Thanks ladies :)

I'm not sure if I've felt anything either Kirsty. Sometimes my bump goes hard but it feels like baby has moved into a funny place rather than muscles contracting... xx

Ah yes, Mrsblue, that's what I have been feeling, like baby is laying across my stomach and really close to my skin making my belly feel rock solid and tight and uncomfortable. Wasn't sure if it was baby or just my baby! xx
I'm not sure if I've felt anything either Kirsty. Sometimes my bump goes hard but it feels like baby has moved into a funny place rather than muscles contracting... xx

Snap, it does feel like it is LO turning or moving around too, but they were coming and going like contractions would im guessing xx
I didn't have any with my dd but getting a few this time. Mine are like a squeezing-type feeling, very uncomfortable, more so than labour!!
im still not sure if its baby moving or BH, or maybe both x
Mine feel like someone has put a belt around my bump and is slowly tightening it up then releasing it quickly.
Now im further on, its hard to tell whats BH and whats him moving as it all bloody hurts!

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