throwing up for no reason?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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my son keep throwing up whilst being fed his meals. I have two ideas but unsure if his juice is giving him wind causing him to reflux it all up. else the food is lumpy now he on the next stage of weaning to chew he is gagging on the lumps.. Just wondering if anyone else has had this with their LO x
Marias little one does this, hope she sees it xx


Yes, my son does this. He will only eat the stage 1 jars still, if I offer stage 2 stuff he gags so bad and sicks up everything in his stomach, even choking on the sick sometimes if there is alot. It's very distressing for us both. He is even doing it with finger foods now, whereas before he would gag but not be sick, but now as soon as he starts gagging it's like he can't stop til he's sicked up something.

Obviously he isn't doing this on purpose and the HVs are NO help at all. They keep telling me he can't be on stage 1 anymore and that he MUST move on to stage 2. I was not happy to force him onto something he is not ready for because I don't want him to have food issues, so I've bought a hand blender and am now blending the stage 2 jars etc so that they are smooth and he is eating them now, he won't eat as much as stage 1 (he would finish the whole jar), but we only started today lol

I'm sorry that I have no advice other than try not to worry (it's hard I know) but just follow baby's lead. I'm sure that when Oscar is ready he will start to chew instead of swallowing pieces whole. To be fair, he's literally only just started taking an interest in what we are eating, and hasn't actually tried to take anything from our plates yet so I think that is a sign that food isn't top of his list of things to do yet!!!

Babies are such a worry sometimes!

my son is ok with finger food, he doesn't always throw up the stage 2 jars and does chew them. I think if I over load the spoon that doesn't help him. glad I'm not the only one. strange thing is I gave him cooked chicken off my plate and he chewed it and ate it no problem. but threw up the jar'ed food I gave him earlier. he hasn't got any teeth yet and is teething so don't know if teething is to blame as he took the jars fine for months then bang this started happening x

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