Three months after mc


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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I've had 3 cycles since the mc, and we've done everything to TTC. I found it comforting when I miscarried that there was this story that women are more fertile after a mc for a while...I thought we'd get a BFP quickly. But still nothing. Each month it gets worse. It took two and a half years to get the first BFP and I'm 43 this year. How have other people found TTC after a miscarriage? Is this normal?
I've had 3 cycles since the mc, and we've done everything to TTC. I found it comforting when I miscarried that there was this story that women are more fertile after a mc for a while...I thought we'd get a BFP quickly. But still nothing. Each month it gets worse. It took two and a half years to get the first BFP and I'm 43 this year. How have other people found TTC after a miscarriage? Is this normal?

I cant comment from experience, but I know 4 people personally who miss carried and later fell pregnant.

There is always hope <3
I sooooo get how you feel. This whole &#8216;you&#8217;re more fertile&#8217; thing makes you feel a lot better, but then you bd a million times, use preseed, opks to time it perfectly, literally everything you could do and... nothing. Makes you wonder why not.

I have no words other than to say I am walking right there alongside you xx
It's a year since I was pregnant and we've tried it all. Been referred for tests now. It's hard to deal with to be honest.
Hey Sunflower - I was told after one of mine by my fertility lady that the 'more fertile after MC' has no medical backing and could just be hear say - especially as it's a case of everyone's body taking it's own time to get back to normal. She said what is more likely is that it will take the body 3 cycles to fully recover from MC. However short or long the pregnancy was they always allow for 3 wonky cycles without reading too much into it. The last time I had a chemical I had wonky cycles for the 3 months after that, then on the 4th one, ovulated a week late and got my bfp - sadly I lost it obviously, but it did make me see that your body just needs time to recover and resume normal activity - I'm sorry you're finding it so frustrating, I know exactly how you feel and have thought the same thing many times - the stories of people falling straight after become a frustration, but I can assure you there aren't as many as you think xx I know it's not for everyone but have you tried any kind of mindfulness meditation? You can get fertility ones on youtube...there is a theory that mind and body have to be ready and an atmosphere that isn't in the right place mentally has just as much of an effect as the physical stuff, maybe worth a look to keep the frustration at bay and to relax you? x
Thanks all. Yes, 1sttimer, I think the idea that you are more fertile after mc causes a lot of stress. I do meditate but haven't tried the fertility ones. Last time I got a BFP I had pretty much given up which is also how I feel now...I was quite happy then though. Now I feel quite depressed. Might give it a go.
Hi Sunflower1..
I had a miscarriage back in April and have been TTC since my first period after. This was my second miscarriage :-( I had one back in 2014 and it took me 4 cycles to fall pregnant again with my DS. So I am just thinking positive and thinking that it took 4 cycles last time and this time I have only had 2 cycles that I have tracked. I think positive thinking and being as relaxed as possible helps (easier said than done I know!). Was absolutely devastated yesterday when AF arrived as I knew exactly when I ovulated and we did so much BDing... But I&#8217;m a great believer in it will happen when the time is right. Just going to try and eat healthy now and try to relax a bit ready to start trying again at the end of next week. sending lots of love and baby dust xxxx
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Hi Sunflower1..
I had a miscarriage back in April and have been TTC since my first period after. This was my second miscarriage :-( I had one back in 2014 and it took me 4 cycles to fall pregnant again with my DS. So I am just thinking positive and thinking that it took 4 cycles last time and this time I have only had 2 cycles that I have tracked. I think positive thinking and being as relaxed as possible helps (easier said than done I know!). Was absolutely devastated yesterday when AF arrived as I knew exactly when I ovulated and we did so much BDing... But I’m a great believer in it will happen when the time is right. Just going to try and eat healthy now and try to relax a bit ready to start trying again at the end of next week. sending lots of love and baby dust xxxx

Good luck! I'm trying to eat healthy too - I think it's really important. Just got a copy of 'Eat Yourself Pregnant'! babydust xxx
I found ttc after mc horrific, more fertile my arse. Maybe for some but not all and not me. Took us an eternity after each for my cycle to rerturn (months and months), had to get bleeds induced, it really messed with me both physically and mentally.

The only thing that kept me going was the midwife who was dealing with our rmc saying the only couples she didn't see back pregnant were the ones who gave up.

Hugs, I found ttc very traumatic and hard on my mental health, hope you are getting the support you need.
I’m just about to start my first cycle TTC after MC, currently on CD6, it took 6 weeks exactly after passing the sac to get my first period, my cycles are normally very regular 28/29 days, with ovulation around CD16, I was getting really worried about the fact it took 6 weeks to get my first period when I was reading from most other women it took them 4 or 5 weeks, so I’m nervous to see what my cycles gonna be like this month, gonna start OPKs on CD10,
I was 10+4 when the MC started but when I went for emergency scan there was only an empty sac measuring nowhere near 10 weeks, it just felt so cruel, like I was never pregnant to begin with and my body just tricked me or something, I’m not reading too much into the whole more fertile after MC thing, I don’t wanna get my hopes up!
I’m just about to start my first cycle TTC after MC, currently on CD6, it took 6 weeks exactly after passing the sac to get my first period, my cycles are normally very regular 28/29 days, with ovulation around CD16, I was getting really worried about the fact it took 6 weeks to get my first period when I was reading from most other women it took them 4 or 5 weeks, so I’m nervous to see what my cycles gonna be like this month, gonna start OPKs on CD10,
I was 10+4 when the MC started but when I went for emergency scan there was only an empty sac measuring nowhere near 10 weeks, it just felt so cruel, like I was never pregnant to begin with and my body just tricked me or something, I’m not reading too much into the whole more fertile after MC thing, I don’t wanna get my hopes up!

Nightowl that sounds exactly like what happened to me. Went for a scan at 11 weeks and all they could see was an empty sac of irregular shape. Took me until 12+1 before the bleeding started.

Took 40 days for af to arrive after the mc, then had an unusually short cycle for me as I got a bfp on day 29, when usually I have 39 day cycles. I do strongly believe that going to fertility reflexology helped rebalance things for me though (and normally I think all these holistic therapies are a lot of expensive tosh but I genuinely believe this has helped me)
Akua it really does sound like we’ve both just had a very similar experience! I’m going to have to be so on the ball with catching my ovulation this month as it could be early or late, who knows, I’m so pleased for you you’ve got your bfp again, I’ve been thinking about acupuncture I’ve heard good things about it there’s a zita west approved fertility acupuncturist in my area, could be something to look at further down the line if I have no luck, next time I will definitely have an early scan too, maybe at 8 weeks, don’t wanna get to nearly 11 weeks again to discover there’s no baby
That&#8217;s exactly why I&#8217;ve got a scan booked for 6+2 this time. I appreciate I won&#8217;t see anything more than a blob, with a little flickering heart if all is well. But I just need to know there&#8217;s something

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