Thoughts on this name?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2014
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.. Kitty?

My OH absolutely hates it and says she will be teased but I love it. It's pretty and considering there are some ridiculous names out there right now she won't get it that bad!

It's only early days , we don't even know what we are having but it took us forever to decide on our eldests name
I think it's cute but wouldn't name my child it. I would think along the same lines as your OH I am afraid. I think it's nice for a little one but not necessarily for an adult and I always try to think of names through all stages. That's just my opinion though and it's what you love. Your OH might come round to the idea :) xx
I'm not a fan personally but if you love it could you and hubby compromise? If you're having a girl call her something that you could shorten to Kitty as like a pet name for her? Katherine for example? Or use kitty as a middle name?

I love it, but I'm a Catherine myself so I'm biased. It's also my great grandmothers name too it screams old fashioned, 1950s etc. Like Betty or Besty or Dotty :)

It's a lovely name but you need something you both love. Happy name hunting x
It's nice but as others have said when she's older I can't imagine people being 'nice' about it, people are cruel. Xx
I think it's a cute name but I think she might get teased for it with people saying "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty" like calling a cat or call her Kitty Karryall like Cindy's doll on The Brady Bunch, and things like that. Kids and adults can be cruel. Also think about if she wants to be a professional and wants to be taken seriously as someone's boss and she has the name Kitty. I like to think of all stages of life too when picking out a name. But like someone else said, I think it will be a nice nick name that only family calls her. :) My sister did that, she loved the name Toy and wanted to name her daughter that, but her husband hated it because of how she can be teased. And he was right because nowadays that sounds like a stripper name or something. :shock: Can you imagine that name on a Resume? But my sister is naive and thought it was just a cute name. So she compromised and named her Denise Latoy and only our family calls her Toy. That's a compromise. :)
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Thanks all.. I do still like it but there are so many awful names around which are just asking for teasing. A friend of mine called her daughter Nelly imo that's worse than kitty for name calling etc Smelly Nelly Nelly the elephant! I do know a couple of Kittys one is a teen another is in her 30s and they both suit it. But back to the drawing board :)
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I like it - wouldn't choose it myself, but like someone already said it's inkeeping with the retro names. Makes me think of kitty Bennett from pride and prejudice - that was short for Catherine. If your partner can't get on board maybe using a longer version is a compromise. My friend gave her son the full version of a name and then let him choose what he wanted to be called and it worked really well.
The name Kitty reminds me of that awful girl on X-Factor a few years ago, the blonde one?

Saying that it's a cool retro name and if you like it you should go for it.. but you really have to think about how your girl will feel when she's older? xx
Cute name for a little girl but later in life she may hate it... x
.. Kitty?

My OH absolutely hates it and says she will be teased but I love it. It's pretty and considering there are some ridiculous names out there right now she won't get it that bad!

It's only early days , we don't even know what we are having but it took us forever to decide on our eldests name

Hmm... I think some parents think it's "character building" for their kids to be teased a bit at school, but when it comes down to is, teasing is very cruel and should be avoided if it comes down to what the parents called their kid.

Kitty might sound cute now, but imagine her applying for jobs and not being taken seriously because they think she's put her nickname on her CV rather than her real name.

Kitty is a cute nickname, but not as a formal name. Maybe go with Katherine for the birth certificate and call her Kitty at home?

My first name rhymes with something else, and people often put both those words together when addressing me and it makes me want to throttle them!
I personally love it. I'm having the same issue with my husband and ENTIRE FAMILY hating the name Birdie. I'll have to forget it, but boo :(
Kids will bully kids whether they have an unusual name or not.. There were plenty of kids when I was in secondary school with unusual names who never got bullied an also lots of 'normal' named kids that were..

There is of course a very thin line.. Obviously calling your baby something like 'Bean' or 'Banana' (sorry, first random names I thought of!! lol) is going to draw them a lot of attention whether good or bad so you have to consider that.

We are planning on giving our son an uncommon name, it's a known name but not often used however we are giving him a very normal middle name which if he really didn't like his first name when his a bit older he can choose, which of course we don't think will be the case anyway!

As for when they're older, they are older enough to decide for themselves, chances are they and everyone else wouldn't be able to imagine them being called anything else!

As for jobs, if a company is willing to dismiss a potential employee over their name then that's just ridiculous! Unusual names are so common these days!
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It's a fun name, but a good ground rule for name choice is that either partner can veto any name and that's just that. After all, all three of you will have to live with it forever!

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