thought a lot of you may find this interesting..


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Can you spoil a newborn??

Whether it’s from a family member or a well-meaning neighbor, almost every new mommy has heard the same warning at some point or another: “If you keep picking up your baby every time she cries, you’re going to spoil her.” Or “Watch out — you can spoil a newborn by feeding her whenever she wants.” To those who say you pay too much attention — don’t pay them any attention (true for much of the unwanted baby advice you’ll be getting). The truth is, it’s impossible to spoil a newborn. That’s right, impossible! And the experts agree. Here’s what the research shows:

Newborns cry because they have basic needs — to be fed, held, comforted, and loved. Their needs are actually the same as their wants at this age. And it is your job to listen to your instincts and respond to those needs and wants as best you can. If that means toting your infant around in a sling while you do the laundry or getting up every few hours throughout the night to nurse, so be it. That won’t spoil a newborn. Far from it. When you respond to your newborn’s cries and try to meet her needs, you’re teaching her to feel secure and confident. And that security and confidence will result in less crying and more independence in the long run. That’s because young babies who feel a deep trust in their parents tend to develop a secure sense of self that helps them self-soothe later on.

Newborns aren’t manipulative. Worried that your baby may be using her whimpers and tears to manipulate you? Even your precious angel isn’t smart enough for that kind of complicated thought at this young age. Newborns’ needs and wants are much more straightforward. So each time you or your hubby quickly responds to your infant’s cries for food, a cuddle, or help nodding off to sleep, you’re reinforcing the notion that you’ll be there for your little one and that she can count on you. This notion will not spoil a newborn but will instead help her develop a healthy bond with her parents. Of course there will be times when you can’t get to your infant as quickly as you might like (hey, mommies have to pee, too!), but responding to your infant’s needs as best you can will let your infant know she’s loved. And guess what? A baby who’s secure in her bond with her parents is a happier, less-needy baby — and becomes an older baby who has the courage to take on the world without clinging to you.

It's a little different with older babies. Once your baby gets to be about six months old, however, her wants will get more sophisticated and they may not be the same thing as her needs. For instance, an older baby may want to pull your hair or earring or she may want that TV remote with all the interesting buttons. In cases like that, it’s good to set some limits and teach discipline — that way, your baby will be more capable of understanding the concept that Mommy doesn’t always give me what I want, but she still loves me. For now, though, while your little one is still so young, remember that you can’t spoil a newborn — but you can teach her to trust in you and the world
How strange...! I read this exact same article yesterday 'cos I was worried I am spoiling my LO and setting myself up fr a disastrous toddler stage!
This sounds v familiar hun- where did u read this? Such good advice! X
I'm signed up to what to and they sent me it via email this morning!!

I completely agree with this and think we should all be given a break for tending to our babies when they cry xxxx
I completely agree!! So many people told me when little man was playing up at nights to just let him cry it out but I ignored them coz the way I see it you wouldnt let them cry for food for long so why would you let them cry for comfort?? I think that coz I cuddle him when he needs it he is better behaved the rest of the time!!
One of our neighbours hasn't spoken to me since she said this and I told her to piss off and mind her own business lol. My baby, my way, if I want to cuddle him 24 hours a day I will!
In fact cos it's cooler today we have been cuddling most of the time. he currently has his feet resting on the laptop lol
I don't understand y people say things like that! Babies need love and care and affection, if u leave them to cry without trying to help them then how will they feel anything but upset and alone?! Nothing wrong with being attentive to ur baby imo. I understand y people turn to CIO in desperation and when LO's r older and understand more but I couldn't do it myself. Our babies r so prescious how can u spoil them with love?! Xx
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Totally agree with this, but now Charlies older I am not as attentive to him and to be honest, 99% of the time he doesn't need me anyway, he's very much his own person wanting to do things for himself instead of me doing it for him and he doesn't often want cuddles anymore :( except after his bath when its time for bed he just gives in :D x
I completely 100% agree with this! My MIL went off her head because I 'spoiled' DS when he was a baby (spoiling him in her eyes was wearing him, cuddling him, co-sleeping, never leaving him to 'cry it out', be attentive to him instead of ironing etc so pretty much everything I did!) but we ignored her and he is such a confident, independent little boy-not the whining, clingy child she predicted he'd be!
One of our neighbours hasn't spoken to me since she said this and I told her to piss off and mind her own business lol. My baby, my way, if I want to cuddle him 24 hours a day I will!

Lol, I totally agree with this approach, mostly because I can't put Riven down myself at the moment lol :)
Argh I hate it when people say don't do this and don't do that because you'll spoil them. My mum being one of them, when Angel was 4 days old I was still BFing as she was going on every nearly every hour or so and my mum kept saying don't feed her or pick her up every time she cries because she'll realise every time she whinges she'll get your attention or food"!!!!! I was like she's 4 days old, she's not a manipulative mastermind, she's a baby she needs milk, she needs cuddles etc etc makes me so mad! To me it's basic common sense and it's way beyond me how can anyone can possibly believe you can spoil a newborn baby :( xx

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