Those who had water births


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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A friend of mine had a water birth and her OH got in the pool with her, but all the water births I've seen on TV (obsessive 'birth program' watcher!) have had the OH stood outside of the pool. Is it unusual to have OH in the pool with you, and how many of you had OH in with you?
it depends what size pool u get. i used this one ... EAodCDGJkQ

my boyf didnt get in but tbh he couldve fitted in easily. (i didnt actually give birth in it in the end but i did labour in it for awhile and it really helped- they are wonderful things those birth pools! my story is in announce ur new arrival.)
I wanted a water birth but didn't get one in the end (he was too quick!). I got the same pool as trixipaws, it's certainly big enough for two people but I don't know how comfortable I would have been with OH in with me. I don't think there's any right/wrong answer, it's down to what makes you feel more comfotable.
mayday said:
A friend of mine had a water birth and her OH got in the pool with her, but all the water births I've seen on TV (obsessive 'birth program' watcher!) have had the OH stood outside of the pool. Is it unusual to have OH in the pool with you, and how many of you had OH in with you?

hi - i didnt plan a water birth but was asked if i'd like to try it, and i loved it (plus the gas and air :lol: )

my mum didnt get in with me but the hospital pool, i feel , would not have fitted us both in, i would have felt really cramped and uncomfortable and irritable being 'crowded.

but it depends if you dont mind other have 'supporting' you as such. hope this helps
Well, having asked him if he wants to pack his swimmies, he replied that he reckons he will be far more use to me outside the pool - he thinks I'll be going 'get me this, get me that!' He knows me too well :lol: .
My mw said OH could get in but to be honest I think we was put off by the sieving of the poo in the antenatal video :lol:
tangerinedream i was thinking that, my question is eeeewwww why would you want to get in , LOL! have you seen the colour of the water after the birth :puke: after i had isla in the water theres no way even i would have gottten back in! :rotfl:
My OH got in with me when i had my little boy 2 years ago it was really nice to have him in there splashing water over my back and helping me get in a comfy postion, he really enjoyed it and cut the cord in the water while we was all having a cuddle and also we both picked him up from the bottom of the pool together which was nice and made him feel part of it :D

He is planning on getting in this time too with me and i wouldn't have it any other way... the pool in the midwife unit is big so space was not a problem :hug:
I want to try a water birth this time just for the relaxation techniques and also appaerently you need less intervention and less pain relief.

Im up for all of that!
I'm hoping for water birth - depends if they can get it filled up in time I suppose :)
mrs_tommo22 said:
I want to try a water birth this time just for the relaxation techniques and also appaerently you need less intervention and less pain relief.

Im up for all of that!

That is so true and i highly recommend it to everyone, my 1st baby i had a hospital delivery on a bed with ever drug going and had a really ruff time was cut and had a forceph delivery and did not want this for my 2nd so booked myself in a midwife led unit so away from the whole hospital thing and my 2nd and 3rd was born there in water with just a little gas and air nothing else, no rips or tears and the most relaxing time ever and home in a couple of hours if you choose, the MW leave you to be in your room and are around when you want them to be, while your in water through birth they really do make it a nice calm experience so that is why i am booking myself into the unit again for this baby, the water really does take the egde off the pain, soothes the back and relaxes you alot, go for it and you will be so glad you did :D :D

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