Questions to those that have had a water birth...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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hiya girlies!

Hope you and bubbies are good!!

I have a few questions about water births so can you girls help me purty please? :)

What Kind of temp is the water?? Is it very warm, luke warm or like a swimming pool (cold when u first get in and then warm).

What did you wear during birth? Did you prefer to be naked or did you just have a bikini top on??

When the baby was born did you put it to breast or just hold it or what?

How involved can the pappa be? ie did they still give u massages etc or just be present and watch?

Can a birth pool be used at any time of the day or night??

When you got out did it dry your skin out/make u pruney?

Do you come out straight after the baby is born or keep it in there for a little while. also what happens when u come out does middy/hubby take it??

Do you regret having a water birth or is there no going back...

Any cons?

Ok thats enough for now... :oops:
hey, i can only answer some of these questions as i got out of the pool right at the end.

1. the temp HAS TO BE A CONSTANT 37 degrees body temp, thats important apparently. that was my boyfs job lol

2. i had a bra and skirt on (no knickers after MW had examined me and couldnt put them back on in too much pain lol) at first but at some point the MW stripped me off! i had no idea nor care at the time as i was far too busy being in labour lol!

3. cant answer that one i was out of pool by then

4. my baby-daddy massaged my back, had his fingers almost broken by me crushing them lol and kept checking the water temp and topping up with hot water if it dropped etc

5. can be used any time as far as i kno

6. sorry i didnt notice whether my skin was dry or pruney!

7. cant answer that one sorry

8. next time (if there is one!) i will try and stay in the water now i kno what im doing lol

9. cons... :think: erm just if like me ur reluctant to push coz u dont wanna do poos in the pool lol so ur not progressing u might hav 2 get out also haha apart from that i cant think of any

good luck!
hey hun,
I can only answer a few of them as i got out from 8cm dilated so here goes.

1. its constant warm as trixi's said constant 37
2. i wore nothing in the pool and nothing to give birth in but put a nightie on once had baby
3.cant answer got out before birth.
4. my partner was there holing my hand and rubbing my head with cold flannel etc
5. i think you have to be 4-5cm dilated but you can use pool at whatever time i was in the pool at 5am
6. dont recall what my skin was like too many contractions took my thinking brain.
7.cant answer
8. i enjoyed being in the water to help me dilate it was great pain relief on your back and your bump being weightless

i am asking for a complete water birth with this baby so it was enough to make me want to do it again in the pool.

Hope some of my answers helped.
OK, so not had one yet but I'll fill in what I hope will happen if I get my home waterbirth (and what my MW says she likes to do etc also). These are all things I've given consideration to and where I need to I've also discussed with my hubby as to what he would like also.

*What did you wear during birth? Did you prefer to be naked or did you just have a bikini top on??

I plan on wearing a tee shirt or some such early on then a tighter top (tankini?) or some such if need be. If I remain in the water in the final stage of labour to actually give birth I shall get nekkid so I can bring LO up to the surface gently and then have direct skin to skin contact.

*When the baby was born did you put it to breast or just hold it or what?

My MW says she usually gets women out once LO is here and then allows time for the placenta to be delivered. She won't move baby away from me unless there is a need to. So LO can remain with me till after their first feed :) But if they don't feed straight away she won't disturb. She'll just leave me/us to hold LO.

*How involved can the pappa be? ie did they still give u massages etc or just be present and watch?

My OH is going to be there the whole time. He is giving me some massages in practice for labour. Also helping me with my breathing techniques etc and positions. He can get in the pool if he wants, MW doesn't mind. He can also have direct skin to skin contact when LO arrives.

*Can a birth pool be used at any time of the day or night??

As far as I know yes. If at home obviously its different from hospital as I think they have some rules as to how far along you are. But if you are in labour and baby is due then you'll be able to use the pool in hospital (if its free in the first place) We plan on using ours once I am past the first stage of labour. Until then I shall use the shower and bath as and when.

*Do you come out straight after the baby is born or keep it in there for a little while. also what happens when u come out does middy/hubby take it??

My MW has said she generally has the woman come out once LO is delivered so the woman delivers the placenta out of the water but in her own time (unless I opt for the jab). NO rushing to get out straight away. I'll get a few minutes in there before getting out. Then waiting for the placenta to deliver. And baby will be able to remain with me skin on skin during this so long as all is well. Or can go to hubby or other MW if need be.

I'm told water birth is a great pain relief as it supports your weight and the temp eases things also. Plus its meant to be a much kinder way to actually bring your child into the world. They continue to use the umbilical cord and don't actually breathe till they break the surface of the water. My MW says she finds it all very calm and the water cleans the baby as they come up and when they break to the surface and can go straight against the mothers chest its a great comfort to them.

I'm looking forward to it :)
Hey Sharne,

Here's my answers:-

What Kind of temp is the water?? Is it very warm, luke warm or like a swimming pool (cold when u first get in and then warm).
It was warm all the time - as stated above, it does have to be 37 degrees, but this is only really important for when you deliver (it has to be body temperature so baby doesn't realise its been born and try to breathe underwater) - so your birth partner's job is to keep this temperature. Mine was a bit of a faff as our hot water ran out completly when pool wasn't even initially filled so my partner spent my labour boiling soup pans full of water and constantly boiling the kettle to keep the pool temp right!

What did you wear during birth? Did you prefer to be naked or did you just have a bikini top on??
I can't remember! I know I was naked when I gave birth but I've absolutely no recollection of what I was wearing when contracting before I went in the pool or if I stripped off to get in - I'll have to ask OH, how strange!

When the baby was born did you put it to breast or just hold it or what?
Put DD to breast for skin to skin (not to try and latch on, just to hold her close)

How involved can the pappa be? ie did they still give u massages etc or just be present and watch?
I got a big enough birth pool for my partner to get it but during labour I felt quite disconnected from him (think I felt embarassed) and didn't want him to touch me or anywhere near me (poor guy). The midwives helped him to be involved (when he wasn't constantly boiling water!) by showing him how to knead my back or pour water over it.

Can a birth pool be used at any time of the day or night??
Yes - I used mine overnight. I did inform my neighbours we were having a home birth - not sure if you mean home or hospital?

When you got out did it dry your skin out/make u pruney?
Can't remember - honestly, this will be the least of your worries.

Do you come out straight after the baby is born or keep it in there for a little while. also what happens when u come out does middy/hubby take it??
After delivery, I stayed for a good 10 mins or so with baby in my arms doing skin to skin waiting for the cord to stop pulsating before OH cut it. Then baby was passed to OH for more skin to skin (he stripped his top half off) and I stayed in the pool to deliver the placenta. Its interesting what Sherlock says as I think it must be much easier to deliver the placenta in the pool than get out - but maybe each midwife has there own way of doing things (I didn't have the injection). I found this part quite distressing as I just wanted to cuddle and hold my baby and was watching OH and DD like a seal who had lost its pups apparently but I delivered the placenta within 25 mins, got out of the pool, was helped through to the bedroom with DD and OH and checked over - then m/w helped with first breastfeed and I was made tea and toast!

Do you regret having a water birth or is there no going back...
My home water birth was the most amazing experience of my life.

Any cons?
No cons, but make sure you have enough hot water and/or switch on the booster switch each night before bed!

I hope that helps!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Do you come out straight after the baby is born or keep it in there for a little while. also what happens when u come out does middy/hubby take it??
After delivery, I stayed for a good 10 mins or so with baby in my arms doing skin to skin waiting for the cord to stop pulsating before OH cut it. Then baby was passed to OH for more skin to skin (he stripped his top half off) and I stayed in the pool to deliver the placenta. Its interesting what Sherlock says as I think it must be much easier to deliver the placenta in the pool than get out - but maybe each midwife has there own way of doing things (I didn't have the injection). I found this part quite distressing as I just wanted to cuddle and hold my baby and was watching OH and DD like a seal who had lost its pups apparently but I delivered the placenta within 25 mins, got out of the pool, was helped through to the bedroom with DD and OH and checked over - then m/w helped with first breastfeed and I was made tea and toast!

I'd in some ways prefer to remain in the water to deliver the placenta, but my MW seems to like it delivered on dry land somewhere. I'll talk to her tomorrow and see if there is any specific reason. I think its just she feels happier doing it that way. But she has told me there is no rush to get out of the pool. Nor will she attempt to cut the cord until like you said, it stops pulsating. She said she may even wait till the placenta is delivered. Maybe thats why she likes women to get out of the pool :think: But baby can remain with me having skin to skin contact or go to hubby or other MW if need be.

Its been good to read what you did as I can now have a bit of a think before seeing my MW tomorrow and to try to work out what might be the best thing to try :)
gosh i didnt even kno the cord pulsates i never noticed!

LOL valentine u are so considerate- i didnt inform ANY of my neighbours about my home birth i never speak to them- but despite living in an old terraced house where u can hear a cough next door, i squealed like a cat with its paw stood on during the last 2 or 3 contractions and did a lot of "grrr"ing accompanying my efforts in getting her out! HAHA god knows what they thought was happening to me i dont kno if they knew i was even pregnant! :lol:
What Kind of temp is the water?? Is it very warm, luke warm or like a swimming pool (cold when u first get in and then warm).

37 degrees, which at the time I found too hot but it needs to be body temperature - I got use to it after a few minutes though.

What did you wear during birth? Did you prefer to be naked or did you just have a bikini top on??

I was naked from when I got in, I would have found a wet top against my skin kind of uncomfortable.

When the baby was born did you put it to breast or just hold it or what?

I help him against my chest, but not to be fed - he had his first feed once we were both cleaned up and in our hospital room.

How involved can the pappa be? ie did they still give u massages etc or just be present and watch?

My OH wasn't very involved, he just sat and watched, but that was my choice - he did help at the end by holding one of my legs to keep them apart, but he could have been as involved as we liked. Our hospital even let your birthing partner into the pool with you (it was quite big) as long as they wear trunks!

Can a birth pool be used at any time of the day or night??

As far as I know, I used it in the evening.

When you got out did it dry your skin out/make u pruney?

Not that I remember, but I was only in labour for 3 and a half hours, the last 2 and a half in the pool, so it might be different if you were in for much longer.

Do you come out straight after the baby is born or keep it in there for a little while. also what happens when u come out does middy/hubby take it??

I held him for about 15 minutes in the water while the cord was cut and the placenta delivered, then the midwife took him to wrap him up and handed him to my OH while I got out of the pool.

Do you regret having a water birth or is there no going back...

I don't regret it the tiniest bit, it was a really positive experience. I'd definitely want a water birth for my next baby too. I really loved it, it was so relaxing!

Any cons?

The only thing I can think of is if you had a much longer labour - 2 and a half hours was a great length of time to be in the water but I might have been more likely to want stronger pain relief, or just get fed up of it, if it had gone on for a long time.

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