those going back to work after M/L


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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Just wondered what you were planning to do with your Little One once you go back to work?

i mean as in childcare - are you going to pay for childcare, do you know how much this costs? are family members going to look after your baby?

My mum is going to look after Daniel for two full days a week. I don't think she can wait for me to get back to work, lol! :D
I have no family to look after her when i go back. And round here child care is expensive. So i'm considering quitting my job and working evenings. That way i get her in the day and OH at night.
My dh will have the kids on the days I am working. I only work two days a week anyway with having Aaron so it won't change but I might have to cut my hours again if we can afford it!
My little one goes to nursery 4 days a week and my OH has her on his day off. It costs alot, but we do receive working family tax credit including the childcare element as well as child tax vouchers (not all employers offer these). One really positive thing about nursery is that they get to do so many extra things that they probably wouldn't get to do at home with you. I think it also develops their social skills. phoebe's fees cost about £116 a week. When our second child arrives I am going to apply to reduce my hours and work half time (not sure if they'll agree to it - if not might look for another job)

Be warned going back to work was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, it broke my heart leaving phoebe at nursery. When she first started she got really upset when I left her, but now she loves it and when I go to pick her up, she's having way too much fun to want to come home. it's lovely when we get home though as she likes to have lots of cuddles with me - the best!!
We worked out its not really worth me going back to work once my MA ends. I shall find something local doing 16 hours a week to ensure I am eligible should we try for a second baby, but other than that not doing it. Will find something for days OH is home to look after LO so won't have to fork out for childcare.

I am a nanny and I really don't see the point of caring for someone elses kids and paying someone else to look after mine. Plus I'd have to work full time to afford it and have some left over and I'd rather have the time with my LO till he is school age. Looking forward to things like Mums n Tots and playgroups with him too :)
I've changed my contract at work so I'm only doing a 4 day week.

My mum will be looking after Oliver 2 days a week.

I need to find a nursery for the other 2 days.

Going back in November. Boo Hoo! :(
I'm going back full time in January. We can't really afford for me to go back part time - the nursery will cost practically as much part time because we get a reduction for taking a full time place. All my family are still working and OH's are in a different country so that's not an option. I've got a year to decide if I want to remain full time.

Will be the hardest thing ever (totally dreading it) but it's the difference between being able to pay the mortgage or having to sell the house!
Me and OH are loking into whether i could just go back part time, with me working three days a week :pray: One day at the weekend so OH can look after Calleigh then, and the other two days in the week she would go to a childminder i know.

That depends on whether my employer will allow me to go back part time, but i dont think this will be a problem. I just hope we can afford to as i really dont want to go back full time :(
We are at the moment trying to also work out whether i can have at least 9 months maternity leave (was planning to go back at six months) as i really dont see it possible me going back to work when i am still breastfeeding Calleigh and she will not take milk any other way than straight from me.
I return in September for 2 mornings a week. My DH is off every Monday and Tuesday, so he will be able to look after our son when I am working.

The only down side to this is that we won't get much family time together as DH works Wed - Sun, but on the possitive side...we haven't used up all our babysitting passes. xxx
I am going back for 3 days a week in November. Kathryn will be in nursery on these days. Not looking forward to going back at all but the mortgage says I must and the need to save for baby number 2 means I am left with few other options.
I work around 25-30 hours a week, spread over 6 days so only a few hours a day, and as it stands we share the childcare of my son between my OH who has him 2 days a week, my mum has him 1 day, and then he also goes to nursery 3 days a week. It works well for us, but it is pretty expensive to pay the nursery fees. Ours work out at around £47 a week for 18 hours care. That is one of the cheapest nurseries in our area though, and they can vary wildly on price. Thankfully now he is 3, he will get a funded place from 1st September so I should only have to pay for a couple of hours a week that are over the funding limit. However, once my mat leave ends, I will also be putting the baby into the same nursery so will have to start paying over again. Its just one saving grace that I will only have to pay for one of them and not both together, theres no way we could afford that!
I work 24 hours over 3 days and my Mum looks after Lola 2 days and OH looks after her 1 day :D
Having checked out our options, I can't really afford to return to work after my maternity leave finishes. I don't have any family members that could look after LO for free or less cost and I don't earn enough to cover nursery and travel costs - I don't really want to work for nothing!

Luckily OH earns far more than I do so we will be able to pay the bills :) However I may take a job a couple of nights a weeks or maybe at the weekend (i.e. when OH isn't working) just so I have some money of my own. I really hate the thought of using his money to buy him birthday or christmas presents :oops:

My Amber goes into Nursery 5 days a week and i work full time - basically i don't have a choice due to OH circumstances but we get help with Tax credits....depending how many you and your OH work if its a joint application you may be entitled to working tax credits. My bills work out at £500 a month which i didnt think was too bad and we get about 350 towards that.

Hope you work it all out, i hated deciding what to do! :D
I'm going to have to go back on nights because my shifts don't fit in with the hours that childminders work.
I went back to work after my first after 10 months off. I felt ready to return to work and felt my LO was ready for a bit more stimulation too. So I didn't find it as hard as others.

The guilt was the worst thing, it did cause me a few tears but I wasn't upset at putting LO in nursery because he settled very well there. I think it's good for them to mix with other children, get them ready for school etc...

Our LO is in nursery 2 days a week and the in laws have him the rest of the time, plus I have a day off every fortnight accrued through flexible working hours. It's a nice balance.

We both use the childcare voucher schemes at work for our nursery bill and we get 10% off at the nursery as well because of where I work. We both have well paid jobs so financially it's not been a burden for us, thankfully.

We also got a bit of tax credits for the year that I was off on mat leave.

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