This time next week...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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i could well be holding my little Alice!! :shock: where has the time gone!!

had my last scan yesterday! she is still a little cutie, and we broke the scanner machine! it kept making odd noises :doh: . Fluid is low again, but the biggest pool is still above 4cm so they are not worried. Plus her head was so low they couldn't check the normal head stuff (which was checked last week, so im not worried)!! LO is fn

Bile acids have gone down again! they have gone:

I think i have one more set of bloods done at the weekend to check they hav'nt gone through the roof.

Also, they won't let my induction go on more than 36 hours without decent progress. They will give me one lot of gel, check again in 6 hrs. if nothing major, another batch of gel (they come in measurements of 1 & 2 something, and they won't give me more than 4 in total on two occasions). If i am more than 3cm they will break my waters. Check again, if i don't get regular contractions, i get put on a drip.

Its getting exciting now!! :dance:
I feel like a bit of a con.

sorry if i keep rubbing it in :hug:
Don't be daft, you've had so much trouble through your pregnancy!

I'm just starting to get jealous at all these babies being born and i've still not got mine!

God, just think this time next wekk, you'll be holding bubs!!
Vicki83 said:
Don't be daft, you've had so much trouble through your pregnancy!

I'm just starting to get jealous at all these babies being born and i've still not got mine!

God, just think this time next wekk, you'll be holding bubs!!

...and going by the amount of batteries OH is charging - you girls will have 100s of pics to look at! :rotfl:
samrbtson said:
Vicki83 said:
Don't be daft, you've had so much trouble through your pregnancy!

I'm just starting to get jealous at all these babies being born and i've still not got mine!

God, just think this time next wekk, you'll be holding bubs!!

...and going by the amount of batteries OH is charging - you girls will have 100s of pics to look at! :rotfl:

Good i love piccies!! That's reminded me to get new batteries when i go into town today! :lol:
he has even borrowed a professional camera from a mate. It takes film though, but he has brought 10! :shock:

I hope he knows that camera isn't going anywhere near me until at least a week after giving birth! lol

where he thinks he is going to get the time to take pics of baby, inbetween all the running around he is going to do for me, and nappy changes, il never know!!! :rotfl:
:lol: You need to have pcs of bubbs straight away, but as for us no chance, i'll be the same as you, staying the feck away from any bloody camera!
im not photogenic anyway but when my oh wanted a pic of my first cuddle with my DD i didnt think, just smiled!! Even tho i looked a state i cherish that photo! :)
Jayceesmumma said:
im not photogenic anyway but when my oh wanted a pic of my first cuddle with my DD i didnt think, just smiled!! Even tho i looked a state i cherish that photo! :)

aww! i really can't wait :)
samrbtson said:
Jayceesmumma said:
im not photogenic anyway but when my oh wanted a pic of my first cuddle with my DD i didnt think, just smiled!! Even tho i looked a state i cherish that photo! :)

aww! i really can't wait :)
Me too! :cheer: :cheer:
Sooooooooo exciting Sam!!

The countdown is REALLY on..... :cheer:

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