This probably sounds silly, but...


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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At my 12 week scan there were a few other ladies in the waiting room, but they were having their 20 week scan.

Anyway, they looked really obviously pregnant... big, round bumps and I was so jealous, but I thought "I'll be like that at my next scan..."

Anyway my 20 week scan is 3 weeks today, and I can't imagine looking that pregnant in just 21 days! Is it possible for the baby/bump to grow so much in so little time?

I really want to start showing obviously and not just look like I have a muffin top!! :rotfl:

Anyone further along than me and know the answer to this?

Oh yes!
You will suddenly "pop" :lol:

I was like you at my 12 week scan too, except I was 14 weeks and hardly showing. At my 20 weeks, I was looking rather elephant like :lol:
Im 25 weeks today, and yesterday another Mum at the School stopped me and said "oh my, you have suddenly expanded over the past few days havnt you!" Didnt know wether to be :shock: or :lol:
Yeah i have a big bump and it is my 20 week scan tomorrow, when i was 12 weeks i had a bump but it has grown sooooo much since then.
I have to admit i didnt feel i looked pregnant when i was at my 20 weeks scan, even when i went for my private one at 24 weeks the lady coudlnt decide which of us was pregnant! YET i think my bump is huge!! theres always soemone bigger then u but they do grow very quickly over those weeks, im sure you'll be showing
I literally popped out at 28 weeks- my OH got home from work and it had appeared overnight- midwife said it was just change of position. now she grows everyday. I remember wanting a bump... now I don't want one!!!
i didn't have very much at my 20 week scan last week, i think most people in the wiating room thought i was there for the 12, but today i have this huge bump, goodness knows where that came from.

I wasn't as big as some of the women there. Don't forget some women having scans there will be further on as well cos they go for growth scans etc.
Aww thanks girls - I'm quite excited now!!

And yeh good point about the growth scans - I thought u only got 2 scans?? :doh:

3 weeks seems like forever but you all say how quick it goes??

awww i know how you feel, i felt the same.... thinking oooo i want a bump like that... well after loooking at everyones bump pics, i look nothing like that. noone even knows i am pregnant and i have my 21week scan in 1 weeks time... i have seriouse bump envy :-( i'm still waiting to pop

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