This might be a stupid question.....but I am blonde!

I think so, you will still need to have pregnancy dated

I'm having one next week and was told that if baby is under 8 weeks I will still get a 12 week scan. I'm sure you already know by now, just noticed you posted yesterday! How did it go?

Thanks girls!

Sal - it went really well thanks! I notice you are from Peterborough - hubby is from near Peterborough and I grew up near Bourne!
When i had my scan at 6wk 6 days i was told that if i had been 7 wk i wouldnt of had a scan at 12 wk, i think it depends where you live x
:think: hmmmm.....

Well I thought I was 7 weeks but on the scan I only showed up as 6+3. They didn't mention that I wouldn't get another scan - do you think they would have done if that was it til 20 weeks?
I had a scan at 7w, another at 8w3, and will have my 11-14w scan next week at 13w2.

If your hospital does the NT scan, then it doesn't matter whether you had an early scan at 6w or 10w - the NT scan has to be done between 11w and 14w.

If not, it's likely to depend on the reason for the early scan - my 8w one was scheduled b/c this is straight after a m/c, so my LMP is June(!), but in fact I was bleeding heavily so had an emergency one the week before in a different hospital. Even if I didn't want a NT scan, I was told they would still like to do a basic scan around 12w to monitor the subchorionic haematoma - the cause of the bleeding for the past 6 weeks.
I didnt get a scan at 12 weeks after having one at 8+4, my hozzi are poo though :(

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