This is peeing me off now (avatar)

I am trying to post a pic (and have tried for months!) as my avatar but they all say it has to be 6KB or less. :x
I have no idea how to make it work!!

Help.......... please?! :roll:

Thank you x
open the picture up in "paint" then click on the tab at the top that says image, then click on stretch/skew

them make it smaller untill it gets to the right size.

thats how i do mine, someone might give you an easier way tho.

A great free programme to resize and crop pics is called Irfanview - do a search on google and download that's how I do my avatars :)
oo, im going to d/l that too, thanks hun :D

Where do you get your avatars from?? i want a cool one too!! lol
oh im really stuck!! someone help me pleeeease! ive made my avator but dont know what to do do i get it into paint etc!?
ok ive got it into paint but i cant seem to get it the right make it less than 6kb (or whatever it is!) its really small!! how come Sami and Minikins yours look normal size??!! lol pleeeeeease help me!! lol
lol ok done it at last but it looks crap!! argh bloody thing i give up!!! lol
lmao ok finally done it proper now!!!! ha ha ha oh dear just ignore me waffling on to myself here!!! Right i can finally go to bed now!!!
LOL steph bless ya! I had to ring Minikins up to sort mine out...twice!! :lol:

LOL i stayed up til i got it right!!

Foxy ladieeees indeed!! :wink: :wink: :D

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