This has never happened to me before!


Active Member
Feb 3, 2009
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Hello everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced cramping after a period?

I had a very light period (or IB???) from Saturday evening until yesterday. This was most unusual for me as my periods normally last about 5days and normal flow. I have also had two normal periods after having my daughter (first one on the 16th Nov 08 and the second 1st Jan 09).

I am definitely feeling sssssssssstrange today and this continued cramping is a bit disconcerting - i've never had it before.

Has anyone?
The only way you will know for sure is to test. Keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Hi There

I have had exactly the same. I started my period Sunday and had a normal flow for two days and then it completely stopped but today i had a small amount. The worrying thing is that i have cramps on my right side (what i imagine to be my fallopian tubes) and have been feeling sick on and off. Where you due on your period?

I would be so interested to hear if you are pregnant, i don't want to test as i don't want to be disappointed again!

fairybelle said:
Hello everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced cramping after a period?

I had a very light period (or IB???) from Saturday evening until yesterday. This was most unusual for me as my periods normally last about 5days and normal flow. I have also had two normal periods after having my daughter (first one on the 16th Nov 08 and the second 1st Jan 09).

I am definitely feeling sssssssssstrange today and this continued cramping is a bit disconcerting - i've never had it before.

Has anyone?
I know what you mean - i'm scared to test incase it's -ve. I really want to know.......but i don't want to be disappointed.

I'm not sure where I am on my cycle - I haven't been charting or everything - just going with it and seeing what happens - though, that said, I think if i'm unsuccessful this month, I'll probably start monitoring my cycle.

Do you still have cramps?

Yes i still have cramps, they seem to get worse as the night goes on. I'm probably not pregnant as i was due my period and was 1 day early but i am worried that the pains are ovulation pains and i will have lost my chance this month.

fairybelle said:
I know what you mean - i'm scared to test incase it's -ve. I really want to know.......but i don't want to be disappointed.

I'm not sure where I am on my cycle - I haven't been charting or everything - just going with it and seeing what happens - though, that said, I think if i'm unsuccessful this month, I'll probably start monitoring my cycle.

Do you still have cramps?

Got my fingers crossed for you! :hug: Think i'm going to try and hold out to the weekend & see how I feel then - if I still feel like I do now i'll test!

sorry to be personal, but what contraception are you/were you using, if any? this may be unrelated, but i was put on a pill by my dr and then onto the injection and it messed my cycle realy bad, i had cramps all month round, right up to a year after i came off them. thankfully 18 months later im ok. but i can never have any form of contraception that has hormones in it. just a thought...they were also usually in my right side.
I haven't been using any contraception, like the pill/ jag. I has my DD last January and have been breastfeeding her since - so I suppose exclusive BF for the first 6 months was the only contraception I've used for the last few years. (I'm in a lon-term relationship & getting married next Thursday!)

sorry this isnt really related but congratulations on getting married next thursday i cant wait to see the pics!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: :hug: really hope you're feeling better by then xx
Thank you! I have to say ladies, that BF is the way to fit into a wedding dress! It helped me anyway! :cheer:

Just an update.......
I'm not pg :(

Did two tests yesterday and went to doctors today as I was still having cramps - had a negative Kidney infection too, so i'm guessing that my strange pains are possible nerves about my upcoming wedding!

Felt a bit of a fool at doctors, but glad I went - put my mind at ease.

Anyone want to be my "Positive ttc buddy"?

x x x
:hug: about the bfn hun but at least u know now. Huge congrats about ur wedding on thurs- make sure u put some pics up. are u having a honeymoon? sorry for being stupid but what is a Positive ttc buddy? i'm sure its really obv but i havn't heard of it before.
Hi Puds,
by "Positive ttc buddy" I meant "we WILL conceive this month"!

Think I could do with some positivity at the moment. I'm annoyed with myself for doing another pg test - just in case the one yesterday was wrong...still negative. Feel stupid for wasting one, as they're not cheap. Ah well.

x x x
i get u now!! don't feel stupid about doing a test hun- we've all been there! when i went 3 months without af when i first came off pill i did a test most weeks just in case! u can buy test online a lot cheaper- not sure if they have the same accuracy though. i chart now as my cycles are so irregular it saves me having to waste money on tests as i know if i have/havn't ovulated. really hope ur still just testing too early but if not huge amounts of luck that next cycle YOU WILL CONCEIVE!! :lol:

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