This guy should be hanged....

Rubys mummy said:
I broke my heart crying when I saw this on the news tonight, the poor poor angel-she was such a beautiful little thing.

I went straight to Rubes and hugged her tight, kissed her to bits and told her over and over how much I love her..I just cannot even put into words what I feel aabout this b*****d, its too upsetting for me. I am crying again now at the thought.....

Me too, I just couldn't stop crying when I watched the report on the news, picked up my little girl (who isn't far off 16 months, the age Amy was when she was killed) and cuddled her so tight.

I just can't believe someone could do this to a poor defenceless baby.

Valentine Xxx
this has made me feel physically sick, rest in peace little girl, no one can hurt you anymore sweetheart :( xxx
i saw this on the news and cried!!!

some people just should not be allowed to be parents! i find it really unfair that people have children and dont care for them and then theres people like some of us girls on the forum desperate for a baby and it just doesnt happen. this world is cruel...and now im crying again...sorry x
vile :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

that 'woman' looks as thick as pig shit, poor poor baby girl :( :( :( :(
I couldn't read the report but i did hear about it on the news, i just can't comprehend how anyone could do that to a child, it makes me cry thinking about it. I'm not to sure what punishment would be correct for him but i know that going to prison for however long is just not good enough. I think maybe putting in a hole and left to rot may just do it. Maybe if harsher punishments were dealt out it may stop the next person from doing it...probably not tho as these people are sick :(
I seen this, the poor baby girl looked so unhappy in her pics though. Her grandad said she was always distant and looked lost :cry: I don't often cry at news stories but this one really made me sob. I just don't understand these people, I hope he rots in hell :evil: :cry:
I saw it on the news and how they asked the mother if she knew about it and the mum was like 'yeah but...', and they stopped the health visitors seeing her?

I just don't understand people like that, but as well as the skanky scumbag bloke I think she should have gone down for longer.. she also showed no remorse or upset. And for the baby to have been physically abused previously and also been near to starved.. wheres the child neglect charge on her??!! Low IQ is no excuse in my opinion, people with no intelligence are still capable of basic human rituals - emotions, love, care, responsibility etc, and it's a negligent person who can let that happen, not an unintelligent one.

If they didn't want a baby but had an unplanned pregnancy, had they not thought of adoption?!

This is why I cannot excuse this for either of them. They both had options and choices. Domestic Abuse or not, they still both had choices, and for the life of that little girl they deliberately chose to make the wrong ones. Negligence and neglect, if not murder for the 2 of them, they obviously knew what they were doing.
i agree Chell..there are refuges.. i left when i felt the abuse i was suferring was going to affect Dylan never mind if he had laid on hand on his beautiful head.

I truely and honestly believe that people who can do such a thing have no idea about pain. If they have felt it, why inflict it on someone else?
He needs to know what he's done. Coz in 22 years time (if he's well behaved) he can walk out of that prison and do it all over again. I'm guessing he'll only be in his 40's!
He's had his free bed and food. Pees me off that people get to walk out and carry on their life as normal! That poor child never got to know what life was! What did she do that was so wrong? She never asked to be brought into this world!

My next door neighbour raped his own daughter from the age of 9, made her have an abortion at 14, then have his baby at 15. (apparently 2 abortions in 12 months is seen as suspicious!)
It came out 10 years later. He got 5 years, served 3.5 (for ruining his daughters life) then moved back into his own home. He is still the neighbour from hell!!! I get abuse and swore at! But that's ok coz he's been inside. He's served his time!
We're moving to get away from him! I cannot take anymore! Some nights i struggle to put my daughter to bed coz at 10pm he's banging on the joining wall!
He still believes to this day he has done nothing wrong! His wife also believes this too! Yet DNA proves otherwise!!!
That must be a really hard situation ..i would move too :hug:
This is such a horrific thing to have happened to that beautiful little girl :(

I look at my own baby and i just cant understand how anyone can hurt such tiny defenceless little beings. It breaks my heart to hear of stories like this i really cant imagine what hell that little girl went through at the hands of those evil people.

Yes he has got his prison time but where on earth is her punishment. 12 month suspended sentence, that is just a slap on the wrists for what she allowed to happen to her child.
zebrastripes said:
I'm so grateful for my own loving, gentle partner, who wouldn't dream of laying a finger on his little girl.

Exactly what i was thinking!
Omg thats terrible.. that is past words.. what kind of sick twisted F*** would do that to a child, let alone their own!! :evil:
Im glad that b***h got some punishment too for allowing anything like that it takes a second second to call 999 the first time anything happened and they would have put them into protection away from harm so that makes her as bad as him in my opinion. if i had a choice hed be tortured, starved, raped ..the lot! he dosnt deserve to be alive but itd be damn nice to see him suffer in pain and missery. :evil: :evil: RIP little Amy. bless her! wht makes me laugh is the social services pick on single mums who dont have much money but all the love in the world, yet they cant see something like that going on! surely they had a health visitor/friends/family/neighbours who knew them and their parenting ability so how was it not picked up on ??
Baby&i said:
zebrastripes said:
I'm so grateful for my own loving, gentle partner, who wouldn't dream of laying a finger on his little girl.

Exactly what i was thinking!
Omg thats terrible.. that is past words.. what kind of sick twisted F*** would do that to a child, let alone their own!! :evil:
Im glad that b***h got some punishment too for allowing anything like that it takes a second second to call 999 the first time anything happened and they would have put them into protection away from harm so that makes her as bad as him in my opinion. if i had a choice hed be tortured, starved, raped ..the lot! he dosnt deserve to be alive but itd be damn nice to see him suffer in pain and missery. :evil: :evil: RIP little Amy. bless her! wht makes me laugh is the social services pick on single mums who dont have much money but all the love in the world, yet they cant see something like that going on! surely they had a health visitor/friends/family/neighbours who knew them and their parenting ability so how was it not picked up on ??

Apparently the Health Visitors tried to see the little girl 5 times but the parents turned them away on the doorstep..

hanged? set him on fire more like :evil: "troubled past" my ass! i kno people with REALLY troubled pasts who dont do evil like that its no excuse FILTH

set the mum on fire too :twisted:
leckershell said:
I saw it on the news and how they asked the mother if she knew about it and the mum was like 'yeah but...', and they stopped the health visitors seeing her?

I just don't understand people like that, but as well as the skanky scumbag bloke I think she should have gone down for longer.. she also showed no remorse or upset. And for the baby to have been physically abused previously and also been near to starved.. wheres the child neglect charge on her??!! Low IQ is no excuse in my opinion, people with no intelligence are still capable of basic human rituals - emotions, love, care, responsibility etc, and it's a negligent person who can let that happen, not an unintelligent one.

If they didn't want a baby but had an unplanned pregnancy, had they not thought of adoption?!

This is why I cannot excuse this for either of them. They both had options and choices. Domestic Abuse or not, they still both had choices, and for the life of that little girl they deliberately chose to make the wrong ones. Negligence and neglect, if not murder for the 2 of them, they obviously knew what they were doing.

I agree, any normal mother however intelligent would put the safety of their child above all else, including any fear they felt for themselves. They are evil, it's just so upsetting that a little girl had to die before they were found out.
widowwadman said:
Whilst it clearly is despicable what he's done and I'm glad he's been sent down, I find the calls for hanging and torture disturbing.
How can anyone make the point that violence and murder is bad, by torturing or killing somebody? Condoning torture or death penalty is putting yourself onto the same level as these criminals.

I know it's an emotive subject, but that's exactly the reason why I think emotions should never be allowed into making the decision how to sentence a perpetrator.

I'm with you wwm. My mind boggles as how a human being could do that to a child :cry:
nazmomi said:
leckershell said:
I saw it on the news and how they asked the mother if she knew about it and the mum was like 'yeah but...', and they stopped the health visitors seeing her?

I just don't understand people like that, but as well as the skanky scumbag bloke I think she should have gone down for longer.. she also showed no remorse or upset. And for the baby to have been physically abused previously and also been near to starved.. wheres the child neglect charge on her??!! Low IQ is no excuse in my opinion, people with no intelligence are still capable of basic human rituals - emotions, love, care, responsibility etc, and it's a negligent person who can let that happen, not an unintelligent one.

If they didn't want a baby but had an unplanned pregnancy, had they not thought of adoption?!

This is why I cannot excuse this for either of them. They both had options and choices. Domestic Abuse or not, they still both had choices, and for the life of that little girl they deliberately chose to make the wrong ones. Negligence and neglect, if not murder for the 2 of them, they obviously knew what they were doing.

I agree, any normal mother however intelligent would put the safety of their child above all else, including any fear they felt for themselves. They are evil, it's just so upsetting that a little girl had to die before they were found out. brothers got Downs so low IQ right? The other day someone pushed past me and banged the baby... my brother was going to go for him... he's always kind and protecting and is so afraid of being too heavy with the baby. So much so that now its dangerous for her to be with him, because he won't hold her tightly enough, because he's too afraid of harming her.

No, its not the result of a low IQ... its the result of the mother not deserving any kids...but I'll guarantee she'll be knocked up again in a few months time and social services will let her keep the poor thing :(

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