Third degree tear - SO much pain :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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To put it bluntly, little Poppy ripped me to smithereens, bless her. I suffered third degree tears and am in a lot of pain and it's beginning to get me down because I feel like I can't look after her properly. It's painful to walk and excruciating to go to the toilet.
The whole area constantly aches/stings/throbs. I am off to see my GP today just to see if he can give me some stronger painkillers - ibuprofen just isn't cutting it. I was just after some advice really if anyone has gone through this?

I have two lavender oil baths a day and keep the area clean and dry and change my pad very regularly. The MW said yesterday it looked like the stitches are healing well and that I was keeping them nice & clean, but the pain still doesn't seem to be getting any better :(
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Are you taking ibuprofen and paracetamol together, because if not this will help a little more. They may be able to give you some stronger anti inflammatories such as Diclofenac - I had this after surgery and both my c sections - helps loads! This can also be taken with paracetamol. Failing that you could try co codamol but I find paracetamol and and anti inflam better. Have you got like a rubber ring you could sit on to help make you more comfortable?
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I am taking ibuprofen & paracetamol together and it only takes the edge off slightly, but will definitely be begging the doctor for something stronger. I don't have a rubber ring either but this is a great idea, might send OH out for one today!
You could also try Arnica tablets as they are good to help with bruising and healing. They should sell them in Boots or Holland and Barrett places like that. There are a homeopathic remedy but supposed to excellent x
I remember this well- agony!! I had tears and an episiotomy. I couldn't get out of bed for best part of a week! I took co codamol and ibuprofen together and found ice packs helped loads (the ones that go in cool bags - I hold them next to my bits to numb the pain.
Congrats on lo and hopefully you will feel better soon.


You could try witch hazel in warm water to pour down the loo as you wee, it helps to heal and dilutes the wee to take the edge off. Def agree with the rubber ring too!
I had a bad tear with my little one :( its horrendous hun...I feel for you..

I was told arnica, take two paracetamol then two hours later two ibuprofen, and bath with Tea Tree Oil??

It feels like it will last forever and never heal...but you'd be suprised.

Get them to give you diclofenac instead of ibuprofen, and if you're not bf you can take co-codamol instead of paracetemol, or paracetemol and codeine. I totally feel for you, I had 2x second degree tears and an episiotomy and then got infection in my stitches so was in agony and spent week 1 to 3 not leaving the bedroom and crying about not being able to enjoy being a mam BUT it does get easier x
Oh hun I feel for you! I'm really suffering at the moment as well. I'm taking diclofenac sodium 3 times a day and co-codamol 4 times a day but the pains still terrible! Have you tried a salt bath? I find it helps ease everything off for an hour-ish afterwards, not a lot I know but it's a break at least. :hug: xx
I haven't actually tried a salt bath yet, but have felt dramatic improvement since buying some arnica tablets - they're brilliant! I'll give a salt bath a go & maybe get some witch hazel too. But I've actually been doing housework today & haven't been in agony which I'm SO happy about :) x

Dont really have much in way of advice, but i know exactly what you're going through. Its horrible, but it wont last forever. I had about 4/5 weeks of agony. Its horrible not being able to look after baby as much as you want - make sure you make the most of ur OH, probs when you'll need them the most is at this stage.

i had to have my son delieverd and be cut so i needed stitched and it was painful and throbbin for best part of 3months but it did get better even tho t the time i didnt think i wud ever feel better xx
The rubber ring sounds like a very good idea! I had a salt bath too, anything is worth a try lol. x
I'm suffering atm and wondered about salt baths, how much do you put in and (probably a stupid question) but is it just normal food salt?


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