thinking about labour and birth plan...


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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ok, so i know ive left it late but i wanted to wait and see how i was feeling on the actual day of induction before deciding on my approch to labour and birth.

this is how i plan to deal with my labour and birth, becky and emma it would be interesting to hear how you are going to approach yours too.

when we get to the hospital i want to ask the consultant all the questions like what if the gels dont work and i want to ask the procedure for c-sections too, the last thing i want is for people to be making decisions and for me not to know what is going on!

after the induction starts working i want to be able to go for walks and use the hospital birthing ball. last time i wanted to use the pool but it all happened so fast there wasnt time.

when i eventually get to labour suite (if it is daytime) i want the curtains closed and the lights dimmed. i DO NOT want to be strapped to the bed on monitors from an early stage. last time they popped me on the bed and i was so uncomfortable it was unbelievable!

i DO NOT want to give birth lying down, i want to be on all fours, or squatting. last time i gave birth lying down then got told after that its the most painful postition to give birth in!

if my labour lasts for a long time i do want an epi (which of course means ill have to give birth lying down) even though i know i can do it without because i did last time.

i also want more time to bond with baby before being kicked out of the labour room to take a shower, i felt very rushed lastime and was very unsteady on my feet, nobody came to help me either and felt scared in the shower incase i fainted.

the way im feeling today, with it being hot etc i want my waterbottle with me at all times and i also want to ask the consultant about taking my hayfever tablets whilst in hospital.

im not being too demanding am i!? lol i know that whatever happens will happen and the only part im really really gonna push for is that i dont give birth lying down...
Doesnt sound demanding in the least to me Tez.

Sounds just like you know what you want from this birth. That is a good thing :)

Good luck :hug: :cheer:
its your experience and you should be listened to an your wishes respected.

All you can do is ask.

i dont think there is anythin on there which they would have valid non medical reason to no agrees to it
great post tezzy

i had a look at my birth plan last night and had to make loads of changes as im not gonna be at home and not gonna be using a pool now, this is what i have..............

•I would like my partner Ken to be with me throughout

•During labour I would like to stay as active and as upright as possible

•I will try to cope with the pain by walking around, using a tens machine, using a ball or beanbag etc, birthing pool, bath, paracetamol, gas and air and other pain relief if needed

•I would like to be able to eat and drink if I feel like it.

•I would like baby’s heartbeat to be monitored with a handheld Doppler at intervals and findings reported to me

•I'd like to try and avoid drugs such as morphine/pethidine but will have them if needed.

•I would like baby delivered onto my chest

•My partner would like to cut the cord and I would like him to tell me the sex.

•I would like an injection to help deliver the placenta

•After birth I would like skin to skin contact

•I would like myself, my partner Ken and the baby to be left after birth to bond

• I would like baby to have the vitamin k injection

• I am very nervous of the hospital so I would like to be kept updated about my progress and what will happen next as I feel this will help keep my mind at rest

• I would like local Anaesthetic for any stitches required

• Flexible to changes in my birth plan should it be medically

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