Think we might be off again, text buddy needed please :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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hey guys,
think we might be off again, but then again may be another false alarm, grr. getting contractions every 4 minutes at the mo, but not really sore, got a sore lower back and period type pains, but they dont seem to be getting any stronger, just wondering if we might be progressing, what do you guys think?

also was wondering if someone would be my text buddy as hubby wants to be able to keep you guys updated but isnt great on forums etc.. or so he says lol. any volunteers?
thanks guys :)
that's strange, was just thinking about you and did a reply on your first thread :shock: that's my psychic side coming out again.
PMd you my number x
Good luck Xxx looking forward to the updates x
Oh no, hope if this is it, you get there swiftly without too much hanging about and being fobbed off by hospital. However I hope for babes sake they just stay tucked up for a little while longer. Best of luck hun x
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Oh blimey, obviously it would be better for baby to stay tucked up for a while longer but I'm sure at this stage baby will be just fine if she does decide to come now. Good luck hun, hope everythings okay for you xx
thanks for the number Jayne :) have saved it, hospital wanted to see me but i put them off as dont want to trec in if nothing is happening again! not far away from the hospital tho so would only take 5 minutes to get there, want to wait for a bit to see whats happening, will keep you posted as much as i can.

has anyone heard from ange by the way? getting worried about her..
thanks for the number Jayne :) have saved it, hospital wanted to see me but i put them off as dont want to trec in if nothing is happening again! not far away from the hospital tho so would only take 5 minutes to get there, want to wait for a bit to see whats happening, will keep you posted as much as i can.

has anyone heard from ange by the way? getting worried about her..

No I don't think anyone has, I only thinking this earlier too. It's getting quite worrying now :/ x
Very best of luck hun, hope ur doing ok xx
Blimey your uterus and baby are not giving u a break are they? Hope all goes really well and things slow down again. Either way all will be fine, good luck Xxxx
hey guys, all quiet again now, got to 3 minutes apart and getting quite sore, they did an internal, apparently my cervix has shortened slightly but nothing else happening which is good. they wanted to keep me in, got myself in a bit of a state and crying on hubby. had a bit of a fall out with my mum and i think it all got a bit much for me, when they said nothing was happening and that i have an irritated uterus and could be like this for weeks it all got a bit much and i burst out crying. think i was just hormonal and tired, ended up coming home again. contractions have calmed down again now and i managed to get some sleep so feeling a little better. had my mother on the phone again this morning wingeing that we hadnt rung her to let her know what was going on, which hasnt helped. but feeling a bit better now after some sleep.
Awwww honey glad you're ok, but sorry about everything else. Keep us all updated so we know you're still doing fine xxxxx
Sorry u have to go through this with naughty irritable uterus and pestering mum, hope u can get some sleep and relax honey xxx glad baby isn't coming for now
How annoying Hun :( I hope things either stop to give you a break or that madam puts in an appearance :hug: x

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