Think the witch is on her way!!

Sorry Skairdy :hug:

Good luck to everyone who is hoping to get a bfp very soon.

I am now on day 30 (my cycles last between 28 and 34 days), been gettin mild cramps since day 28, I think she will be here tomorrow :roll:
Sorry to you AF 'victims', I think I might be the next victim, Im due on weds, and i am craving chocolate, feeling heavy, heavy abdomen too. Boobs not sore this month though and I dont have PMT. Fingers crossed but I dont think its gonna be my month. Ordered some OPK strips off ebay for next cycle. (Id love to be able to throw them though when they get here).
Good luck to everyone! :pray: ing for some good news tomorrow :hug:
Hi NW1 - thanks for asking - not very hopeful I'm afraid - think I have a lovely set of evap lines again - they come up within the 10 mins but are faint and todays were only the same as yesterdays - I seem to be cursed with them......... Beginning to worry I might be pre-menapausal as I am sure I have read somewhere that when you are entering into the menapause you have a higher level of the pregnancy hormone in your blood so perhaps the sensitive tests I am using are picking this up :(

14 dpo tomorrow and the tummy ache isnt so bad today but still there in the background - all other symptoms have disappeared........

Hope you are OK and that your AF is not far away its so lovely of you to be thinking of everyone else when you have been through such a sad time x x x x x x
Best of luck, ROM ...... I really hope its good news for you :hug: :hug:
Witch got me today-and BOY has she come with a vengeance :x

Better luch next month. At least I know I am sopt on 28 day cycle, my OV sticks should be here tomorrow.
Witch got me today-and BOY has she come with a vengeance :x

Better luch next month. At least I know I am sopt on 28 day cycle, my OV sticks should be here tomorrow.

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