Think she is on her way


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi Everyone,

Just a quick question! I am on CD 25 of a usual 28 day cycle. I am 10 or 11 dpo and I think AF is on her way as I am getting a few mild cramps - could these be a symptom of pg or are AF and PG symptoms different feelings? I thought this month was going to be our month!!!

I will be devastated of AF shows her face!!

nope was convince af was turning up , altho by ur point id already got my bfp

still at nearly 7 weeks i get af cramps !
AF and PG symptoms are really alike so your still in with a chance hun.

Good luck :pray:
Oh thats good to hear!!! I am so ready you know and I am getting these mild cramps and I just dont want AF to appear!!! How soon can I test do you think??

I am due on on the 26th according to my calender?? Should I wait until after I am late would you say?

Oh congrats on your BFP I made up for you xxxx Send some babydust our way!!!

Ive been getting cramps the whole time too, have been quite worried the last few days but the docs keep telling me its normal in early preg, so dont give up yet!!

Good luck
I was convinced that af was on her way, but did a test at 10 dpo and got a strong positive with a tesco's cheapie. Pg and af symptoms are similar so you never know :D .

Wishing you lots of luck and sending lots of babydust to all those ttc!
Thanx evryone, I feel better now!! I feel like this month is the month so fingers crossed!!!

Not noticed anything else tho so we will see eh!!!!

Babydust to all!!!


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