think i've done abit too much


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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had the cleaning bug, done all the kitchen cupboards and unpacked some boxes which we still had from the move.

went to see m/w and had a terrible pain on my left side, i think i've pulled something.


m/w said everything was fine, doesnt seem too concerned about the itching thing, and said bean is just floating around in there and so far is showing no signs of coming out anytime soon :roll:

i have appointment with the consultant next week so will see what he has to say, i'm getting fed up now with the restlessness, cant get comfy, running to the loo and this bloomin heartburn...

well you all know how it is.

absolutely shattered tonight but if i go to bed now i'll sleep for an hour and then be up for the rest of the night...

hope you have a good evening :wink:
you should really try to enjoy this time you have. Honestly! i know its really uncoforable and your impatient. But you might have 7 weeks yet to go! ( i know you dont want to hear that!)
little things like painting your nails, reading, bathes/showers, chatting to friends all become quite the rarety when little one comes along. Even more so when there a few months old!

I was like you when i was pregnant with Hannah, from about 37 weeks i was drinking caster oil and eating pine apples constantly! lmao (nothing worked btw i went 40+4) this time round i honestly wont be doing that, and ill be trying to make the most of the 'me' time i get!
:hug: :hug: Your post sounds just like me at the moment. I'm suffering from nasty heartburn alot, restlessness and a gazillion loo trips a day. I'm also very impatient all of a sudden, as I have absolutely everything spotlessly tidy and ready for newborn to arrive, so I find myself floating about the place all day, not really knowing what I want to do anymore. So sick of TV, books, cross stitch, cafe lattes in every cafe/bar in town. I'm sure I'll read this post a couple of months from now and cry at my own stupidity lol..

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