Think im out.....for the 22nd time!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Ignore my last thread, i made a typo and havent been back on to ammend it!

Woke up this morning with AF feeling in my tummy, and now i have weird twinges like start of AF, she's due on tuesday :( have an achy left boob too!

If AF arrives is it wrong to call the ACU to book an appointment for after next AF? I can't stand waiting. They haven't done my bloods or a scan since Sept, so i think i have a right to wanna go back and plan ahead, do you?

We were at a family doo last night, and my OH's cousin was thee with his little girls, dancing and laughing, i couldnt help but feel jealous. And could tell that all my OH wanted. And our friends just had a baby boy today too, were made up but once again....jealous!

All i seem to do on here is moan :( xxxx
You do moan alot...

Joke lol ;)

I can't beleive you haven't tested yet, even just a cheapy. Hopefully it isn't AF :hug:

If you arne't happy with your situation then definitely see if anyone will take notice - better than waiting!
:hug: :hug: chaz, am impressed by your resistance to testing x
I was fine with everything, not being scanned or having bloods because i was confident i was gonna be pregnant by Christmas, but now im scared its not working and i wanna go see someone and find out what the next step is. I don't wanna wait any longer :(

I keep meaning to test, but i get up and go to loo without thinking, and then think its pointless testing without FMU xxxx
If AF isn't there tomorrow you could test chaz? And I deffo think you should ring to make an appointment for like 5 weeks time, you never know your AF might not arrive and you might not need it but it will make you feel better to have it booked xxx
It's not over til auntie flo sings chazabell....FX for you! xxxxxxxxxxx
I've done it again :shock: i haven't tested!!

AF due tomorrow if she keeps to the 28 day cycle she has done since starting Clomid.

I still have CM, not dry like before AF. :bd: last night and this morning too and it hurt a little when he went TMI ALERT ..........deepish, think it may have been my cervix he caught :shock: only usually hurts like that if we do the deed when AF is here.

I'm gonna do a cheapie inj the morning before work if she hasn't made an appearance before then. Last cycle ive had a bit of discouloured CM a day or 2 before, but so far nothing, so im hoping thats a good thing.

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Just double checked back on my last cycle. Made an apperance on 17th Oct, and im pretty sure i OV's on 1st Nov, so due today or tomorrow. I am quite shocked at myself for not testing if im honest!

Chaz this could be it , all this no testing and getting in hysterics , my fingers are so bloody tightly squished into a cross for tomorrow morning , set an alarm on your phone tellin you to test , i'll squeal for you if it is it x x
Will be stalking in the morning, massive fingers crossed xxx
Wow I am impressed you have resisted testing!! Fingers crossed for you chaz xx
BFN guys :(

Had AF feeling in my tummy again last night, still no mess tho. Also think test i had was faulty as only 1/2 control line came up xx
AF arrived today :( knew it would but im still gutted!

Called the ACU and i have to call back monday to book an appointment after it took me all morning to get thru!

Im off to treat myself to some Tampons and wine before i embark upon cycle 23!

Sorry chaz :eh: but enjoy your wine! X onwards and upwards hun Xxx

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