Think i'm losing the plot!

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2012
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My last period was in April, I was due on, didnt come (not unuaual with me though, very often have to wait an extra week), waited the extra week, no visit from AF, waited another week just incase, nothing, started getting a little excited but too scared to test (dont ask me why!!). Have had REALLY sore nipples for weeks and been sooooo moody and eaten EVERYTHING in sight, put all this down to "I must be pregnant!".

Anyway, just when I get to the point where I think I might test, along somes a stomach cramp and AF or a lighter version arrives when I went to the loo.

The stupid thing? I WANT TO GO POAS NOW, just to be sure!!!!!!!

What is wrong with me!!! DOH :wall2:
I would do a test. It's common for some ladies to have a light period when they are first pregnant (implantation bleeding). Good luck to you.xx
It's a bit late for implantation if you're late for af but I'd test anyway, just for peace of mind x
I thought it might be a bit late for implantation as I would be about 4-5 weeks now I think , taking it from when we BD not from the date or my last period. I dont want to test as I dont want another BFN :(
I would do a test to be sure, some people do bleed at the start of pregnancy when their period would usually be x
If that's what's happening, would it be just light or like a normal period? Would it last as long?
Early bleeding in pregnancy in my experience has been light spotting or cm with brown/pink in it x
I think maybe I will leave it for a day and see if this gets any heavier and if not maybe test then :)
Good idea, you'll know by then if it's af or not x
yeah, that's my idea, hate it though, its the first month i've een let myself think it might be...... :(
It's tough, we tried for 13 cycles after our mc last year, every month I thought this was it. I am a poas addict though, so I knew fairly early if we'd done it or not. Still disappointing none the less x
We've only be trying since November really and I know it can take a long time but you're right it's still disappointing especially where thered are people all around who cant seem to help but get pregnant!! GRRRR!!! Well, thank you all for your advice, I will post again tomorrow and let you know whether I POAS or not!! xx
Hi everyone, sorry to report there was no need to test, it was def AF :( Crappy crappy crappy day!!!!!!! Anyway, must get over it, pull myself together, wait til AF has buggered off and try again!!! Thanks for all your comments though, here's to next time xx

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